Everday Stuff of Charm & Amusement

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

So I was out on a little walk this afternoon and saw two things that made my day:

1) On the marquee of a local church (sadly, not the Chinese Mennonite Church, but we can't have everything) was the following outdated fan declaration: "God Doesn't Choose Sides, But We Do -- Go Leafs Go!" (Supplemental tidbit: the pastor's name is Duke Vanderslice. I shit you not, friends.)

2) On the way home, I saw a large ice cream-style van approaching, but instead of the usual tinny tune blaring from the loudspeakers, the driver was ringing an actual bell & driving real slow. As he passed me, I saw that the side of his van said not "Mr. Softee" or whatever, but "Tool Sharpening Service," complete with little paintings of happy, newly sharpened saws, knives, and shears. How much do I wish I was carrying my fancy knives with me at that moment! I didn't even know that itinerant tool sharpeners still existed, much less that they pay housecalls to my neighbourhood.

I know y'all see little things that strike a nice chord in you. Share 'em here, so we can all enjoy.

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2002


Last night I was sitting next to the Partner reading while he watched TV, and inspiration struck. I looked up at him and said, "Do you know what tonight it?"

He looked at me, tilted his head and said, "Ice cream sandwich night?"

I swear to heaven he can see into my brain. There is no logical explanation for how he knew that I was sitting there thinking about ice cream sandwiches.

I *love* that!

-- Anonymous, June 11, 2002

My dog Ruby charmed the pants off of me today by technically being a bad dog. She shoved her little face into the white wax paper bag containing the remains of my egg roll and wandered around with her head completely in the bag for several minutes while consuming said egg roll. Even jumped off of the sofa with it. I nearly died, and that would have been a shame, because then we wouldn't have gotten 2 shots of it with our digital camera.

Also, it amuses me when little kids recognize her as being "the Zyrtec dog", even when she's just the same breed and not even as furry as the Papillon in the commercial.

-- Anonymous, June 14, 2002

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