Maybe I should have put this under another topic, but there isn't a Final Fantasy XI thread yet, so it's here. First and foremost, FUCK SQUARE FOR THIS. Online only? My ass. Not to pull the "I'm an elder" card, but I've been playing this series since 1990. Now, the plug is pulled because I don't have my own computer. I borrow from the school, other people, and my stinkingass roommate. So that's it? Nice while it lasted? Now you have to buy a hard drive, monitor, Web access, the downloaded game, a subscription and Jesus only knows what else? Okay, are they going to release it as a PS2 game SOMEDAY or do I have to go medieval? Part of the whole charm of games IN GENERAL, not just Final Fantasy is that you can play them without adding chips to Bill Gates' pile or making sickly rich people even more rich. Now, alas, the dream is over. Squaresoft has sold out. So go ahead and laugh, children. Laugh while you're downloading 11 with your high speed internet access on your mommy's and daddy's computers while Dave Matthews drones on forever in the background. Use their infinite credit accounts to pay! Just try not to spill any Fruitopia on your American Eagle cargo pants that don't fit. Sorry for whining, it's just that time of the month for me. This sucks. That's the gist!

-- Anonymous, June 16, 2002



-- Anonymous, June 16, 2002

For somre reason I have a completly diffrent opinion on ffXI you dont need a pc, you can use your existing ISP for the modem (whitch is only $35 -and you get a free copy of twisted metal black with it-) then you get need to shell out $10 a month (or less) for unlimited access to the game! and if you play MMORPG's that's the regular (aka. Ultima ONline, Ever Quest, Dark Ages of Camelot ect. all charge $10 a month!) and IF YOU WANT you can buy a USB keyboard to chat in ffXI THAT'S IT and ff XII will be single player once again, on the ps2. the only thing I don't like about ffXI so far is the not being able to be evil thing (read my last post if you are confused) so if you plan on getting a ps2 for other games all you need is to buy the game ($10) the modem ($35 -with free ps2 game-) and posibly keyboard ($20-$35) and the modem will be out this year at the end of Agoust (can't spell) and ffXI *sadly* won't premeire untill somtime in 2003 hmm isn't it great to get covergage on e3 via the TELIVISION!!.. i miss techTv. (aka. ZdTv)

-- Anonymous, June 16, 2002

ArchPyro, you said FFXII would be single player and for the PS2, but i thought square was going back to Nintendo to release games for the game cube. Someone made a post about this and made me sad :( But now that you say FFXII is for PS2 im happy :) yet confused. Is square going to nintendo or not???

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2002

Heh heh. Chat with other losers.

-- Anonymous, June 17, 2002

They have said ffII was for the ps2, maybe they are going for both, but it will also be for ps2.

-- Anonymous, June 18, 2002

ffXII, sorry. my X button isn't responding well.

-- Anonymous, June 18, 2002

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