Speed is too slow.?greenspun.com : LUSENET : DBAzine : One Thread |
Dear Sir, We are using Oracle 8i on NT. Normally our database is of large volume. We can assume of having 40,000 records per month. So every year we are removing the data from transaction tables and then we are rebuilding our existing indexes to gain the speed again in data entry. Recently eventhough we have removed the data and performed the rebuilding of the indexes we have not gain the speed in one of the data entry form. rest 3 form are ok. We have been using the same forms for the last 4 years ... but such type of problem has occured only for the first time ? Can anybody give me the idea why the speed is not coming in one of the form. ?Please guide me
-- Ajay Agarwal (ajay_msh@yahoo.com), June 19, 2002