Southern GP35 High Hoods--What Phase for Modeling? : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread |
In HO scale, Kato has manufactured undecorated GP35s in all three phases (Ia, Ib, Ic). Does anyone have information as to which of the three phases were purchased by Southern Railway? If more than one phase, which roadnumbers were applied to each phase? Thanks!
-- Fred Williams (, June 19, 2002
Fred,In my research on this the Kato phases refer to the release date from Kato. With the 1c being the newest and only one with a dcc plug. This meaning the GP35 has been released from Kato 3 times. If you find any different let me know.
-- James Wall (, July 22, 2002.
The original answer to this question is incorrect. The phases on the the Kato locomotive box does not refer to release dates by Kato but rather to subtle differences on the locomotives themselves. There are differences in all 3 but I am not totally sure on what they are. One of the differences has to do with latch handles on the long hood doors. Hope this may clear this one up.
-- Jeremy Helms (, April 13, 2003.
Southern ( Central of Georgia ) 240-244 were Phase 1a GP35's The rest ( 2645-2715 ) were Phase 1c'sTwo GP30's wrecked and rebuilt to GP35's ( 2526 & 2641 ) are closer to Phase 2b GP35's
-- Robb Fisher (, January 07, 2004.