Pledge of Allegiance -- Petition to Enforce : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Hi Everyone:

Here is a Petition fighting the ban on the Pledge of Allegiance. Please take a few moments and show your support!

-- Gail (, June 27, 2002


Thank you, Gail. From what I hear on the news today, this ruling will most likely be overturned. But, I am sure they are not going to stop there. They (meaning those who want to make this a Godless country) are not going to give up that easily.

We, in turn, will keep on fighting back and praying.


-- MaryLu (, June 27, 2002.

I was speaking to a priest friend yesterday and he said that he thinks the antichrist is present in our world today and what is going on now is very similar to the Fall of the Roman Empire.

I would have liked to discuss this with him further, but time did not allow.

Does anyone here have any thoughts on this?


-- MaryLu (, June 28, 2002.

Yeah MaryLu I think that... but I doubt everyone would agree with me.

-- Emerald (, June 28, 2002.

Respect the Flag

When you see the Stars and Stripes displayed, son, stand up and take off your hat. Somebody may titter. It is in the blood of some to ridicule all expression of noble sentiment. You may blaspheme in the street and stagger drunken in public places, and the bystanders will not pay much attention to you; but if you should get down on your knees and pray to Almighty God, or if you should stand bareheaded while a company of old soldiers marches by with flags to the breeze, some people will think you are showing off.

But don't you mind! When Old Glory comes along, salute, and let them think what they please! When you hear the band play "The Star- Spangled Banner" while you are in a restaurant or hotel dining room, get up even if you rise alone; stand there and don't be ashamed of it, either!

For of all the signs and symbols since the world began there is none other so full of meaning as the flag of this country. That piece of red, white and blue means five thousand years of struggle upward. It is the full-grown flower of ages of fighting for liberty. It is the century plant of human hope in bloom.

Your flag stands for humanity, for an equal opportunity to all the sons of men. Of course we haven't arrived yet at that goal; there are many injustices yet among us, many senseless and cruel customs of the past still clinging to us, but the only hope of righting the wrongs of men lies in the feeling produced in our bosoms by the sight of that flag.

Other flags mean a glorious past, this flag a glorious future. It is not so much the flag of our fathers as it is the flag of our children, and of all children's children yet unborn. It is the flag of tomorrow. It is the signal of the "Good Time Coming." It is not the flag of your king—it is the flag of yourself and of all your neighbors.

Don't be ashamed when your throat chokes and the tears come, as you see it flying from the masts of our ships on all the seas or floating from every Flagstaff of the Republic. You will never have a worthier emotion. Reverence it as you would reverence the signature of the Deity.

Listen, son! The band is playing the national anthem—"The Star- Spangled Banner!" They have let loose Old Glory yonder. Stand up—and others will stand with you.

This tribute to the flag is offered to the country in appeal to all men and women of all races, colors and tongues, that they may come to understand that our flag is the symbol of liberty and learn to love it.

ALVIN M. OWSLEY, Past National Commander, The American Legion.

I pledge Allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty, and Justice for all

Thank you, Dear God, for the gift of living in this beautiful country where I am free to be me, free to worship, free to choose, free to speak - so many in other parts of the world do not have this freedom which we take for granted.

I ask that you forgive those who do not want to acknowledge you, Dear God, and want to make this a Godless country. Help us, Dear Lord, to fight this neverending battle. Stand beside us as we fight this battle, Lord. Amen

-- MaryLu (, June 29, 2002.

Freedom of religion ALSO means freedom FROM religion...

-- Molson (, July 01, 2002.

Bill O'Reilly had an athiest on tonight, I think she was President of the athiest association or something like that. I came in on the tail end of the show and did not catch her name.

However, it appears that the "Under God" wording in the Pledge is just the beginning - the athiests are on fire now!!! Now, they want the song "God Bless America" played at baseball games to be banned!!!

Can you believe that? I smell a revolution coming in this country. It is getting sickening. People pay good money to see a baseball game, baseball parks are privately owned (I think?) Either way, baseball is a game, it is fun, it is not gov't. property, or a church building, who are the athiests to say they want "God Bless America" banned?

What is next? We cannot let Satan win.

In a way, we have to be thankful for all these demands being made by the athiests because they are making people stop and think about their faith, about God, and about our country - "United We Stand, Under One God." Thank you, athiests, for bringing us together. There are more of us than there are of you....You'll never win!

Oh, when the saints come marching in...I want to be in that number, when the saints come marching in! :)


-- MaryLu (, July 03, 2002.

Delusional screwball...

-- Molson (, July 04, 2002.

Hi Dennis,

Am I the Delusional screwball...? Ha,ha...that's funny.

If I am going to be called a delusional screwball because of my faith, who cares? I will be a screwball for Our Lord, Jesus Christ any day. He happens to be my best friend.


-- MaryLu (, July 04, 2002.

Good Morning All!

Foxnews report this morning:

Athiest who fought to have "Under God" taken out of pledge is not an athiest, after all. He is Jewish and celebrates Passover with his daughter every year!

The mother of his child, who he never married, is a Christian and so is the daughter!!! She was furious when she saw what he was doing and her daughter said, "Mommy, I will say Under God quiety so no one will think I am doing anything illegally...How can a father do this to his child in name of the Constitution?????? Please..

Wonder what will happen now? How will the athiest feel about this, someone pretending to be an athiest is not?

In a way I see this truth unfolding as good overcoming evil or am I wrong?

Interested to see the outcome of this whole thing.

-- MaryLu (, July 15, 2002.

> > USA Today is taking a vote on whether the words "Under God" should be > removed from the pledge of allegiance. You can > vote by going to the following website. > >

-- MaryLu (, July 21, 2002.

With over 600,000 votes cast, MaryLu, the vote is 90% in favor of retaining "under God."

For years, on a variety of poll questions, I have been noticing the same 9-to-11% of Americans who are die-hard, pro-euthanasia, com-symp, pro-abortion-on-demand, pro-sodomy, anti-religious lost souls. These are the people who need our prayers more than anyone else on Earth.


-- J. F. Gecik (, July 21, 2002.

check this out

-- Emerald (, July 22, 2002.

"These are the people who need our prayers more than anyone else on Earth."

Why don't you spend your time doing something productive? Like doing everything in your power to ensure not one more child is raped by a catholic "priest"?

-- Molson (, July 22, 2002.

Hi Dennis,

In view of the recent exposure regarding the church scandal, I doubt that any more children will be raped by least I and everyone I know, hopes the same.

Unfortunately, this world has so much evil in it is not just priests raping children - 5-year old children cannot even play on the porch of their own home any more. That is very, very sad and it sickens me that so many evil people are walking this earth.

I am glad my children were able to enjoy their childhood, have fun being kids, because I do not know what the future holds for my grandchildren.

It is time we get tough in this country, really tough...When a 5 year old child is taken from her own porch, raped and killed, it is time for severe punishment. It is time to do away with liberal softness on crime. This killer and child molester, as all child molesters, deserve to be put in solitary confinement for the rest of their days..with some very hard labor thrown in once in a while...only God can decide when a person should die..I do not believe in capital punishment...that's another thread


-- MaryLu (, July 22, 2002.

For some reason or another, religion is tearing this world APART. Do you see the insanity of it all? Religion and land is the entire reason for war, and money to spend on churches on EVERY LAST BLOCK in every city of this county is being wasted! Religion is a horrible, dreadful thing to be created by narrow-minded peasants. IT was made millions of years ago! they had to have an explanation for why the world was made, hey, why not some mythological creature in teh sky that created the not only the universe and man kind but himself as well! YEP, THAT makes sense. You know how much bad shit is happening in the world? Rape, molesting, snipers, terrorism, etc! What is your god doing about it? All he seems to do is help you find your keys in the morning and help grow farm crops! Satan is among us, followers! Let's call Atheists evil for not believing in a tall tale! Well, we are TERRIBLY sorry if we are much more open-minded than some, but religion should honestly permanately removed! look what it's doing to you people! When I was little, I used to be unsure if God was real and hated him. I blaimed him for everything! Because he seems to control everything, doesn't he? Religion makes people crazy, if you've seen Frailty, and people are being brain washed a tad bit more day after day! OH, yes, my family are atheists so that means I'M brainwashed! IS your whole family Catholic? YEA. That's what I thought. I disagree on how prayers should be promoted and how God should be included in every last crappy America supporting shit in this country. I don't even say the pledge in the morning, quite frankly, so I don't seem to care anymore! LET the world decay into a bainwashed oblivion, dimwits! Satan is among is, followers, and it is not the Atheists.

BrAnDi (hey, what's funny about this is that I'm more open-minded than you, and I'm TWELVE! Imagine that!)

-- Brandi Vincent (, November 17, 2002.

Brandi, even before you mentioned your age at the bottom, you had already demonstrated that you are only twelve (if not younger) by the unfortunate silliness of what you wrote.

It is a tragedy that you are being raised by folks who are so much in the dark -- all atheists. We will have to pray for all of you to see the light.

You wrote: "Well, we are TERRIBLY sorry if we are much more open-minded than some, but religion should honestly permanately removed!"

Your family is so "open-minded" that your brains have apparently fallen out. Please scoop 'em put, put 'em back in your skull, and close your mind "a tad bit" (to use your expression). Then ask God, "If you really exist, please reveal yourself to me. I am only human, and all humans make mistakes, so maybe I have been wrong about you not existing. Zillions of brilliant people believe in you, so maybe my family has been mistaken. Oh, and I'm sorry for using foul language on a public forum, God. I forgot that I am a young lady with 'class.'"

God bless you.

-- J. F. Gecik (, November 20, 2002.


I'm glad to hear that you're only 12. That means, God willing, there is plenty of time for you to learn the truth about things. I would start with seriously considering how 2000 years could go by, with zillions of Catholics and Christians (some of whom had the greatest minds and the greatest influence on our nation), and none of them were "open" enough to see that there was no God?

Consider this, Brandi; are you open enough to accept that there just might be a God? Could it be that you and your parents cannot "feel" God because you haven't given Him a chance? Be open to letting yourself be touched by your Maker. If you give God a chance, He will revolutionize your entire being! You will start to see things differently. You will be happier. You will be completely free! Read some of the lives of the Saints, if you have the time. There is ample evidence that they experienced something supernatural. They've experienced things that can only be of God!

Be open, and just give Jesus a chance to make you happy.

In Christ.

-- Jake Huether (, November 20, 2002.

In all honesty I could care less as to whether or not the Pledge of Allegiance is banned. People should be able to choose whether or not they want to say it every morning. As for me, I don't recite it every morning with my classmates. I mean, okay, fine, we're all people, society should be able to recognize that without announcing it every flippin' morning, but no. This topic can't be answered but only opinionated, so I'm not even sure why I'm saying anything. I guess I'm just crazy like that. And with the religion scenario, I suggest you don't go telling Atheists that they need to "look for the light." The rest of my family is Catholic and I'm Atheist. And honestly, I really did try to have more faith but it didn't do shit for me. Just leave people to their own opinion and don't try to change it.

Well, sorry if I offended some of you.


-- Nicole (, March 13, 2003.

this site never fails to amuse. this is my current favorite:

"Brandi, even before you mentioned your age at the bottom, you had already demonstrated that you are only twelve (if not younger) by the unfortunate silliness of what you wrote. It is a tragedy that you are being raised by folks who are so much in the dark -- all atheists. We will have to pray for all of you to see the light.

You wrote: "Well, we are TERRIBLY sorry if we are much more open- minded than some, but religion should honestly permanately removed!"

Your family is so "open-minded" that your brains have apparently fallen out. Please scoop 'em put, put 'em back in your skull, and close your mind "a tad bit" (to use your expression). Then ask God, "If you really exist, please reveal yourself to me. I am only human, and all humans make mistakes, so maybe I have been wrong about you not existing. Zillions of brilliant people believe in you, so maybe my family has been mistaken. Oh, and I'm sorry for using foul language on a public forum, God. I forgot that I am a young lady with 'class.'"

God bless you. John

the best bit is -- "Your family is so "open-minded" that your brains have apparently fallen out. Please scoop 'em put, put 'em back in your skull, and close your mind "a tad bit"

God must be so proud of this......

-- J. F. Dickhead (, March 13, 2003.

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