Prayer for Today : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

A Prayer for the Day Lord, thank you for reaching out to me in love. Help me to grow in my capacity to give and receive love by constantly opening myself up to the infilling of your extraordinary love. Help me to overflow with love through a touch, a look, a word, a note and a deed. Remind that that I can be refilled with you love only as I give that love away to others, Amen. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + A Message from the Pastor When God Shows Up, You Overflow with Love

Last week we considered how we are filled up with God's love. The reason God fills us up with love is so that we can overflow with love.

Love is about giving. God did not just tell us that he loved us, he showed us. God showed his love for us by giving of his son.

1 John 4:9-11 says

"God showed his love for us when he sent his only Son into the world to give us life. Real love isn't our love for God, but his love for us. God sent his Son to be the sacrifice by which our sins are forgiven. Dear friends, since God loved us this much, we must love each other."

Love is primary a verb. It is an action. It is sacrificially giving of ourselves to someone else. Jesus is the perfect example of love - as he went to the cross and gave his very life so that we might be forgiven, have new life and be filled with love.

I John 4 continues...

"No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is truly in our hearts." (v. 12) As we give love away, as our hearts overflow with love, God and his love abide in our hearts. Remember, love isn't an option for us. If we are followers of Jesus, we are to having loving hearts and lives.

I John 4 continues.

"We love because God loved us first. But if we say we love God and don't love each other, we are liars. We cannot see God. So how can we love God, if we don't love the people we can see?" (v. 19-20)

Love is giving yourself away. How can one give love away? How can your heart overflow with love in an extraordinary way toward people around you - at home, work, play, church and community?

You can do that in the same ways that Jesus' heart overflowed with love for people during his earthly ministry. When God showed up in Jesus, he loved in some very specific ways. Today we will consider five of those ways.

When God showed up in Jesus, he loved with a touch. Jesus didn't just talk to people, he touched them. In Luke 5:13 we read.

"Jesus put his hand on him."

Jesus loved with a touch. When Jesus lives in us, we too can give love away with a touch. There are extraordinary amounts of love that can be given with an appropriate touch - with a hand on a shoulder, with a hug when the person is ok with that, with a high five, or even a back rub.

Let's do a quick survey:

Raise you hand if someone says to you "You hug me too much."

See, it just doesn't happen. There's tremendous love that can be communicated with an appropriate touch. When Jesus lives in us, we can overflow with love. We too can give love away with a touch.

When God showed up in Jesus, he loved with a look. We read in Mark 10:21.

"Jesus looked closely at the man."

Just imagine the love in the look of Jesus - the compassion, love, mercy, care, and truth. When Jesus lives in us, we can overflow with love. We too can give love away with a look.

Have you ever thought: "If looks could kill, I'd be dead right now?" We know those kinds of looks. We all have received them. Maybe we have even given them at times. What do people see when they see your face? What do they see when they look in your eyes? Is it compassion or anger? Is it trust or fear? Is it mercy or condemnation? Is it faith or anxiety?

Let's work at letting others see the love of Jesus in our eyes. Let them see compassion, mercy, and love. Love can flow over through a touch and a look. When Jesus lives in us, we can overflow with love. We too can give love away with a touch and a look.

When God showed up in Jesus, he loved with a word. Jesus said in John 13:34:

"But I am giving you a new command. You must love each other, just as I have loved you."

We too can give love away with a word. The three most powerful words in our language are - I love you. Think of what happens to a child who rarely hears those words from a parent. Think of what happens in marriages where those words are not spoken. Hearts become cold. Detachment starts to set in. People need to hear those words from you - I love you.

A wife complained to her husband that he never told her that he loved her. He said: "When we got married, I told you that I love you. If I ever change my mind, I will let you know." That doesn't cut it. That won't do. We need to communicate our love with a word - with three words - I love you.

You can't say it too much. Love can flow over through a touch, a look, and a word. When Jesus lives in us, we can overflow with love. We too can give love away with a touch, a look and a word.

When God showed up in Jesus, he loved with a note. The note is the Bible. Jesus is God's living Word. Communion is the visible word. The Bible is God's written word. We are told in John 20:31.

"But these are written so that you will put your faith in Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God. If you have faith in him, you will have true life."

There is something about receiving something in writing. Think of what happens when you get a note. If we get a note expressing love, we keep it and re-read it time after time. We hold on to them. They are treasures.

When was the last time you wrote at note or sent an email that expressed your love?

Love can flow over through a touch, a look, a word, and a note. When Jesus lives in us, we can overflow with love. We too can give love away with a touch, a look, a word and a note.

When God showed up in Jesus, he loved with a deed. The greatest deed of all was Jesus on the cross. However, the Bible also tells us that Jesus went about doing good, helping out other people. We too can love, must love, through our deeds. 1 John 3:18 instructs us.

"Children, you show love for others by truly helping them, and not merely by talking about it."

Words are cheap. Actions count. When we do acts of kindness, God shows up and his love overflows through us to others. We too can give love away with a touch, a look, a word, a note, and a deed. These are the ways that we overflow with God's love.

Which one of these five ways - touch, look, word, note, or deed - do you need to really work on?

We can only flow over with love when we are filled up with love. And we can only fill up with love when we flow over with love.

Once God fills our hearts will love, if we don't start flowing over with love, God cannot fill us up again. There is no room. What happens is that love becomes like water left in a bucket - stale and stagnant until you start flowing over.

As actor Mary Martin was about to go on stage one night, she was handed a note from Oscar Hammerstein that said.

"Mary - a bell is not a bell until you ring it. A song is not a song until you sing it."

Love wasn't put in your heart to stay. Love isn't love until you give it away.

Jesus did not come, live, die and rise from the dead for us to be ordinary. He wants us to be extraordinary loving people. When God shows up, we overflow with love.


Glen VanderKloot

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


Please pray for ..

President Bush and all of his advisors.

Peace in the middle east

World peace and an end to hatred

All military personnel

The fires in Arizona to get under control

-- MaryLu (, June 30, 2002



Thank you for another nice post. I will say a prayer for these important intentions.

In Christ,


PS--FYI, Glen VanderKloot is a Lutheran pastor in Illinois.

-- (, June 30, 2002.

Thanks, Marylu! You are something else. I enjoy reading your posts. You are a very important part of this forum. :-)


PS;Hi, Fred! :-t( That is me sticking my tongue out, at you, Fred.

-- David (, June 30, 2002.

David-Excite, did your Mom ever tell you that you are mischievous?

-- (, June 30, 2002.

Yes, John, to answer your question honestly.

But, Fred Bishop is my student! I think a lot of Fred. I work with him a little at a time.( I believe that consistancy is the Motherhood of most success, with the Grace of God ).

Fred has a great wife and is very blessed there! I will never quit on my pupil because I am not a quitter. In time You, Chris B, Eugene, Mateo and me :-) will teach this guy much more.

Sooner or later John, the person who wins is the person who THINKS he can(with the grace of God).

I love you Fred, and will never quit on you! :-) Don't worry.

PS; John, That is why Steve Jackson is the way he is. He is a lost pup that need the guidance of the Church! He is a conservative man, that is lost, and starving for attention.

Steve Jackson talks bad about St. Francis of Assisi and Mother Teresa , and the Holy Father. He is a sad, sad, person with NO confidence in himmself. He is the worse anti-Catholic I ever read on forum. He has been doing the same thing for years and years. I rember when another VERY respected Catholic on this forum, told us that Steve Jackson says the same thing on DIFFERENT Catholic forums on the internet.

To be more honest with you , John, I would love to see a picture of Fred Bishop and Steve Jackson riding on Fred's honda. (Maybe I have a "bit" of a imp in me as a "wise man" in this forum told me before)?

At least I'm honest, Jean! Oh, by the way, I didn't know you write poetry also? You are a man of many talents music, poetry, etc..... I would guess a talented man like you ,Jean can write a "little" music too?

Please keep my family in your prayers, Mateo.

God bless my friend Xavier.


-- David (, June 30, 2002.

It's always interesting to read posts from David-excite. On one hand, he's smitten with the women and wastes little time buttering them up. He's the same way with a few of the male regulars. I have to ask one question, though. Why does he feel it necessary to continually irritate Fred Bishop? It seems very odd to me that he's continually picking on this man? I'll admit they've had differences in the past, but Mr Bishop appears to not be responding to David-excite, so why does David-excite feel that he still has to provoke? Just curious. To put Mr Bishop on a par with Steve Jackson is an insult. David-excite, why did you do that?

-- GETALIFE (, July 01, 2002.

Hey, GETALIFE, are you maybe being a little inaccurate there?
Look at what David-Excite said about Fred and Steve:
(1) "I think a lot of Fred."
(2) "Steve Jackson ... is a sad, sad, person ... He is the worst anti-Catholic I ever read on forum."

Your words then are not accurate: "To put Mr Bishop on a par with Steve Jackson is an insult." They have not been put "on a par."
David teases Fred, but trounces Steve.


-- (, July 01, 2002.

John, we just found out who GETALIFE is. It's David himself. Check out the thread "unable to receive communion." That will provide the identity of this person.

-- Carolyn (, July 01, 2002.

Hi Carolyn,

I'll second that you are right indeed!!

Go to the "Catholic Chat" thread and you will see the same kind of type by David and GETALIFE.

They both start off Hi, Mr. or Mrs. Bishop (notice the comma after Hi,) they have the emoticons, and you are addressed to as Mr. and Mrs. Bishop.

I think the mischievousness (as John put it) is taking hold over David!! He just loves to push those buttons!

Makes me want to tell him to take a time-out in the time-out chair.

Oh well, kids will be kids!!

God Bless,

-- Kathy (, July 01, 2002.


I don't mind answering your questions, but you have to post under your name on forum. I do think I know who you are, though. :-) Did we chat the other day?


PS;Thanks, John. I don't know why the Bishop family picks on me. But I have not posted as two people in this thread. I'll turn the other cheek on this one.

-- David (, July 01, 2002.


I apologise if I was wrong in assuming that you and "GETALIFE" are one in the same.

God Bless,

-- Kathy (, July 01, 2002.


"Its always interesting to read posts from David-exite"

Thanks :-)

"On one hand, he's smitten with the women and wastes little time buttering them up"

You couldn't be more wrong! Ive had more debates with Lady's than most males in forum. I don't as you say, "butter up" no Lady's. I love all the Lady's to be honest with you. It doesn't matter if they are younger, or older, or bigger or smaller. I love them all. I love praying for them and their family's. I love telling them how pretty and beautiful they are. But when we disagree, I still say what my opinion is.( You know that). :-) I thank God that I love the Lady's, and have so much respect for a Lady that is a great Mom.

"He's the same way with a few of the Male regulars"

Make NO mistake! I have friends in this forum. I consider John G, Chris B, Eugene my friends. That Mateo is starting to wear on my heart! I like so many men in this forum, that I don't know real well, but I can tell they are good people, Frank, Xavier, Chris Coose, Laurent,Brian, Jake, Jean, many many more. Courtney

I love my friends, and I am not afraid to tell them. I love Chris Butler and I did pray for his health yesterday at the Seton Shrine. I was proud to be able to tell him. :-) I was in a State of Grace to. Praying for my friends is NOT buttering them up!

You can count the number of true friends you have on one hand. I am sorry you don't know how people take compliments. Please keep reading my interesting posts(your words)because I am not a shy person. I love to give a well deserved kind word to someone. Life is so hard sometimes, but a few kind words can put a smile on a face, and to me that is worthwhile. It works both ways.

"To put Mr. Bishop on a Par with Steve Jackson is an insult"

Well, I want to thank John again for showing you,how you were inacurate with that statement! As a matter of fact I even told Fred that, I love him.( Whether you believe it,or not is your right ) But please take notice-- I never told Steve Jackson that I love him. So where is the "Par"?

I would love to see a picture of Steve and Fred on Fred's honda. I did say that because it is the truth! Would you glance at that picture? I would if I could! :-) I would like to sit down and eat some waffles with Fred! If Fred ate my waffles he would throw his recipe away. Fred can't cook. He can't even cut his front yard straight. But I still love you Fred. (I think) :~]


-- David (, July 02, 2002.

Hi David. Not funny. Dead boring. Sorry I think youre normally very interesting but your personalised digs at Fred highlight a insecurity complex of your own.

"I will never quit on my pupil because I am not a quitter. In time You, Chris B, Eugene, Mateo and me :-) will teach this guy much more."

Ha ha ha ha now Im laughing, but at you not with you. You could learn much from Fred, just learn to filter out the rubbish. Hes a good man. Take it easy love Courtenay

-- We all love looking down! (, July 02, 2002.


Curious, how are you doing with the pile of useless stones. Are you able to remove any yet? I hope you are for it is an unforgiving task I am sure. but the reward on the other side is well worth the effort.


-- Fred Bishop (, July 02, 2002.

Hello, Kiwi.

"Hi David, Not funny. Dead boring"

A few senteces later you said, "Ha Ha Ha Ha, now I'm laughing"

Just out of curiousity Kiwi, what grade do you teach? :-)


:-T Hi, Fred

-- David (, July 02, 2002.

Hello, Fred.

I just read your comment about "useless stones".

Go read the thread, "Glory into shame". Talk about "useless stones"? You spend your life throwing stones and condemning people to hell that don't agree with you.

I hope GetaLife has the courage to identify theirself to me in this thread. I will have no problem anwering their question about you and me!

So, :t) to you sir!


-- David (, July 02, 2002.

Hi Mateo,

Yes, I am aware that Glen VanderKloot is a Lutheran pastor in Illinois. However, I am on his mailing list and love receiving his prayers for the day. God's word is God's word and it doesn't bother me at all that Glen VanderKloot is Lutheran.

His daily messages are very powerful.

Thank you, though, for informing me. MaryLu

-- MaryLu (, July 02, 2002.

Hi Fred yes but it can be fun throwing stones, though Im trying hard. One day at a time, thanks and God Bless. me.

Hi David, me am not dat good at spell. Hope ya can all forgive my hurry. Me teach geography and herstory for 13- 18 years old peoples.

ps I took the time to highlight a few errors of your own.What was it that Fred just said about throwing stones...

"A few SENTECES later you said, "Ha Ha Ha Ha, now I'm laughing"

hope GetaLife has the courage to identify THEIRSELF to me in this thread. I will have no problem ANWERING their question about you and me! So, :T) to you sir!"

Take it easy David, God Bless Courtenay

-- Kiwi (, July 02, 2002.

Fred that "me" at the end of my note to you was not meant to be there!

-- Kiwi (, July 02, 2002.


You wrote:

"God's word is God's word and it doesn't bother me at all that Glen VanderKloot is Lutheran."

I hope that my own initial post shows you that I share this sentiment. I thought it was worth sharing who this preacher is.

Actually, I would disagree on a small technicality: I don't think that Glen VanderKloot is speaking "God's word." For the same reason, I don't think I can claim to speak for God either. I hope that makes sense...

In Christ,


-- (, July 02, 2002.

Hi, Glenn.

Not that it realy matters to you one way or the other. But When ever I start putting up names I always forget one or two. I don't realy know you that well, but I do know you are a good man :-). You do good work in this forum.

We have had some interesting chats over the past 13-15 months.

May St.Robert Bellarmine (One of the Patron Saints for Catechists) Pray for your wife and yourself for teaching those children about our Catholic faith.

God bless you, Mr. K


-- David (, July 02, 2002.

Hi Mateo,

I understood your post completely and was not offended by your pointing out that Glen VanderKloot is Lutheran.

I stand corrected, he is not 'speaking' God's word. Did I say that? I don't have my glasses on and cannot read the posts too well, cannot even see what I am typing right now. My fingers are doing all the work here :)

Thanks again, Mateo for pointing out my errors...always appreciate instruction!

Good night and God Bless - came up to turn off computer and found myself checking things out, but can't see a thing! :)

-- MaryLu (, July 02, 2002.


Don't worry about it. It never crossed my mind that I was left out. I am not as active as the other people you listed.

By the way, where did you get the Mr. K?

-- Glenn (, July 03, 2002.


P.S. Thank you VERY MUCH for the prayers. We love teaching the class as we believe 11 and 12 year olds are at the age where they can begin to better understand their religion.

-- Glenn (, July 03, 2002.

Thanks, Glenn. I know Jeffrey and Mike H are nice men too.

I got the Mr. K from the first letter of your surname, Mr. K..r :-) It is like you calling me, Mr. S.

May St. George(also known as Victory Bringer) who is the Patron Saint for Boy Scouts, pray for you, and your Scouts. St. George's feasday is celebrated on April 23.

God bless you.


-- David (, July 03, 2002.

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