Why I love Intellicast

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Troll-free Private Saloon : One Thread

Well, the local forecast said there was no chance of rain today. The temperatures should be in the low 90's. While we have above normal rainfall for the year, it hasn't rained in nearly 2 weeks. The wife is off at a board meeting for one of her organizations. I came home at noon to water stuff. Pup and I spent the afternoon moving sprinkling equipment. Then, pup and I get tired in this weather.

At 5 o'clock pup and I took a nap. We overstayed our one hour limit. I awoke to the barking and whining of pup. I looked out the window [it was eight o'clock at the time]. The trees were laying over, the sky was full of these downward, tit-shaped clouds, that were between green and blue in color. You know what that means.

I logged on to Intelllicast to see what was going on. I accessed the radar summary on their severe weather site. It loaded with the following message:

"Radar information incomplete, Intellicast has substituted the following data." They gave me the friggin sailing forecast. That is why I love Intellicast. ;<))))

Best Wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), July 02, 2002

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