My America - God Bless It! : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

My America

I celebrate my country everyday that I live, everyday that I wake up free to do as I choose, go where I please, worship in my way and speak my mind without fear of reprisal. I am awed by the overwhelming splendor and beauty of my America.

We are a people joined together by love, duty and friendship. When other countries in the world suffer catastrophic disasters, we Americans are the first to respond To a call of help. With unselfish love and caring hearts we share our money, food, time and prayers to those in need. I celebrate the goodness and glory of this great country. The glory we would not have but for the many men and women who so proudly serve and defend this land. I humbly salute them and those who have lost their lives in honor of America.

I celebrate the vast number of cultures in this country, a people as varied right here in America as in the whole world. I celebrate and honor the Native American Indian who has sacrificed and suffered for so many years.

art by David Behrens

I celebrate the great institution known as family, where love stems and flows forever. From Mom's apple pie and wisdom, to Dad's wealth of knowledge and guidance . We gather together in love and laughter…..and freedom.

II celebrate our wonderful holidays! When family and friends gather together to share our many blessings. My heart is full to bursting with love for my country!

Celebrate America!!!

God Bless America!!!

-- MaryLu (, July 04, 2002


-- (_@_._), July 05, 2002.

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