breach of tenancy agreement : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

Dear sir,

iam pr

iam rent a room and i was moved only 22days. the house owner ask to vacate the house immediately at sunday 11.00pm at midnight,they bring some gangster and make noise, i see there is no choice i thro my things all iam temporavairly sleep in park.

we signed tenacy agreement either party must one month notice. we call police, the police say land lord dont like you, you must vacate. is it law in singapore like that then what for agreement(tenacy agreement is actully a short term lease or not)

the house owner did't pay my deposit and notice money. please advice me how to get back my money.

Kind regards M.Murugesan

-- Manickam Murugesan (, July 09, 2002


The only reason for this answer is that I sympathise with your plight and wish you good luck. This is a UK home repossession site dealing with UK repossessions only so I doubt if anyone here will be able to help you in Singapore. Are there no help agencies there such as the Citizens Advice Bureau we have in the UK?

-- Gordon Bennet (, July 10, 2002.

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