Learn me something

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Hey, help me out. Tell me how to do the following, or give me a website, or an old thread for:

Doing bold in the posts

Doing Italics

Inserting a link

Inserting a picture

This way I can irritate people more effectively.

Thanks All.

-- Emerald (emerald1@cox.net), July 10, 2002



-- (emerald1@cox.net), July 11, 2002.


I am with you.........I need to learn how to do all that as well!

-- Kathy (sorry@nomail.com), July 11, 2002.




[A HREF="http://www.netscape.com/"]Netscape[/A]

[img SRC="http://www.zpub.com/un/pope/papaeast-s.jpg"]

Now, I'll replace '[' with '<' and replace ']' with '>'





You can also look at the source of the page for examples...



-- (MattElFeo@netscape.net), July 11, 2002.

Wel, I'll be.

-- jake (jake__@msn.com), July 11, 2002.

Thanks Mateo. Geez, I'm dumb... the page source. I could have looked at that. lol!

I appreciate it. I'll give it a shot later tonight.

-- Emerald (emerald1@cox.net), July 11, 2002.

What the heck, I'll try it now. If this works, Mateo, this is mission I got married in.

-- Emerald (emerald1@cox.net), July 11, 2002.

Please remember to shut off all html tags that you use.

There, I feel better now.

-- - (-@-.-), July 11, 2002.

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.


-- jake (jake__@msn.com), July 11, 2002.

Hi Emerald,

Oh, I just love that mission!!!

We visited several missions when in California and in Colorado.

God Bless....MaryLu

-- MaryLu (mlc327@juno.com), July 11, 2002.

What's even better, MaryLu, is the courtyard area, a Spanish Style enclosed garden that is just off to the left of that picture, with semi-enclosed walkways with these high overhangs with the rustic heavy beams. The architecture is awesome.

-- Emerald (emerald1@cox.net), July 11, 2002.

Great pictures everyone! Maybe we should start a "Great Pictures" thread!


-- Gail (rothfarms@socket.net), July 11, 2002.

Here's another... looks like Mary Kay might have got hold of this one.

-- Emerald (emerald1@cox.net), July 11, 2002.

Italics Bold Underline

-- kiwi (csisherwood@hotmail.com), July 11, 2002.

cool! now for the pic...

-- kiwi (csisherwood@hotmail.com), July 11, 2002.


[U]Thank you[/U], [I]I always wanted to know how to do this[/I].

-- Kathy (sorry@nomail.com), July 11, 2002.

Theres the real God, big Mr Lomu the greatest rugby player on the planet. 1.9 meters tall, 19 stone(120kgs) and runs 100 meters in 10.8 seconds. No one has any idea what Im talking about, never mind, thanks Mateo .

-- kiwi (csisherwood@hotmail.com), July 11, 2002.

opps, guess I did it wrong. Try again

-- Kathy (sorry@nomail.com), July 11, 2002.

[I]Italics[/I] [B]Bold[/B]

-- Kathy (sorry@nomail.com), July 11, 2002.

Okay, what am I doing wrong?

-- Kathy (sorry@nomail.com), July 11, 2002.

Hi Kathy replace the [ with < and the ] with > and youll be away laughing.

-- kiwi (csisherwood@hotmail.com), July 11, 2002.


Hope this works, thanks kiwi

-- Kathy (sorry@nomail.com), July 11, 2002.

Kiwi writes:

"Theres the real God, big Mr Lomu the greatest rugby player on the planet. 1.9 meters tall, 19 stone(120kgs) and runs 100 meters in 10.8 seconds. No one has any idea what Im talking about, never mind, thanks Mateo ."

Oh, no! I've created a monster! :-) I think this should give more color to the forum posts!



Switch the bracket symbols with greater-than/less-than signs.



-- (MattElFeo@netscape.net), July 11, 2002.

Oh Kiwi.......you are a peach

-- Kathy (sorry@nomail.com), July 11, 2002.

Thank you Mateo!

WOW, Emerald, looks like you got married in paradise! I'll bet you have some beautiful pictures.

-- Kathy (sorry@nomail.com), July 11, 2002.

Come to think of it, Kathy, we have a few pictures, but I was cheap and had my brother in law do the photography, and he dropped the camera right before the wedding mass and busted it. We only have a few.

One of these days I'll get a website up and at that time I'll give a link to it for interesting pictures, if I ever overcome my laziness.

Tommorrow I leave for a family reunion to Maine, at 3am San Diego time. I haven't seen some of my wife's family for 11 years, since the day we walked out of that Church you see in the picture.

-- Emerald (emerald1@cox.net), July 11, 2002.

-- peach (csisherwood@hotmail.com), July 11, 2002.

whoops try again

-- kiwi (csisherwood@hotmail.com), July 11, 2002.

Oh I give up, Emerald wow 11 years- lucky you!

-- kiwi (csisherwood@hotmail.com), July 11, 2002.

If you at first fail...

-- kiwi (csisherwood@hotmail.com), July 11, 2002.

I think, kiwi, it has to be a picture that's already on the net somewhere; a link with a .jpg tag. Try it again.

-- Emerald (emerald1@cox.net), July 11, 2002.

try again

-- kiwi (csisherwood@hotmail.com), July 11, 2002.

Oh, Emerald, I am jealous...you are going to Maine, that, too is God's country...it is so beautiful up there and the fish is so great!!

Have fun...maybe you will see the Bush family while you are there...

We'll miss you until you get back.

Thanks for the great pictures and all the help..I haven't tried the links yet...Kathy and Kiwi are so brave...oh, those peaches look so-o- 0 good!! :)

Have a safe trip, Emerald. May Our Lady of the Skies watch over you. MaryLu

-- MaryLu (mlc327@juno.com), July 11, 2002.

Just tyring this out........

-- Kathy (sorry@nomail.com), July 11, 2002.

Thanks MaryLu. I hope I don't see the Bush family. They give me the jitters, because of this:

And this:

LOL! Just kidding. No, I don't endorse the website where it came from either; just saw it surfing around and it struck me funny.

-- Emerald (emerald1@cox.net), July 11, 2002.

I know this isnt a Catholic picture but I found it amusing.(from the movie "The Sixth Sense" where a young boy can hear dead people talk comes "The Seventh Sense"...

-- kiwi (csisherwood@hotmail.com), July 11, 2002.

And I thought George wasnt too bright, Ill try again

-- kiwi (csisherwood@hotmail.com), July 11, 2002.


Congratulations!!! Man…. Man you have become yet another software developer. lol

Peace & Prayers

PS: Mateo my prayers are with you. :-)

-- Xavier (xavier_david24@yahoo.com), July 12, 2002.

Italics Bold just trying this out

-- Isabel (isabel1492@yahoo.com), July 13, 2002.

"as far as the east is from the west".

Thanks to whoever cleared up my html sins...!


-- Emerald (emerald1@cox.net), November 25, 2002.

Here is a thread that might be of some interest to you Paul H.

-- . (Your@friend.....), June 01, 2004.

okay, so now the question thats burning in my mind... how to post a picture OVER the top of the first post, not within the given post.

thanks for the great thread though...

-- paul h (dontsendmemail@notanaddress.com), June 02, 2004.

A word of caution, pics/images are no longer permitted in the forum.


-- Ed (catholic4444@yahoo.ca), June 02, 2004.

oh, no, ed... i wasnt looking for posting pics like our good friend, just looking for how he did it (so i can figure out how to stop it).

-- paul h (dontsendmemail@notanaddress.com), June 02, 2004.

Too bad you didn't ask yesterday, paul h.. I was looking at the HTML code that the criminal used, and I could have sent it to you. Now it has been deleted. I vaguely recall that it started with the ordinary command for inserting an image, which was followed by a command (or parameter) to cause the image to be placed at certain coordinates on the page, instead of where it would normally show up. I'm not sure about that, though.

The demons have never liked this place, and they get especially active when truths about mortal sins are effectively being communicated.

-- (your@other.friend), June 02, 2004.

okay, i'll just have to sift through my materials on HTML... although i have to admit, html is not my coding language and i've never been too hot at webpage stuff. i stick with java and C++ most often. but you never know, keen ideas can sometimes translate between languages.

-- paul h (dontsendmemail@notanaddress.com), June 02, 2004.

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