Looking to buy tail fairing, any condition

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hi guys and gals, i am looking to buy a solo seat tail section for the MV, in any condition, scratched, cracked, whatever. Or does anyone know where to get cheap aftermarket bodywork for the MV? Thanks. Patrick

-- Patrick Shaver (assmanoriginal@hotmail.com), July 19, 2002


MV - Cheap...

Two words that often don't go together (depending on the context of course). I only know of the carbon fiber aftermarket bodywork, and I know the tail costs like $600.

That's quite an original email address you've got there.

-- Andy Ruhl (quadreverb@yahoo.com), July 19, 2002.

Yeah i know about the C/F parts too. i was just wondering if a company like sharkskinz, armour bodies, or airtech made MV body work. Like if i wanted to go to the track. Thanks for the input, by the way, the mail address is from Seinfeld.

-- Patrick Shaver (assmanoriginal@hotmail.com), July 19, 2002.

You might try AirTech. I read somewhere that they were tooling up to make some of the bodywork (not sure which parts), so they might make the tails. If not, maybe they'll make you one.


-- Brad Cowell (ar_racer@yahoo.com), July 20, 2002.


I know an address in Germany for all bodywork of F4 (aftermarket, white, without coating). I bought the first complete set. Itīs an adress near Duesseldorf. If anyone is interested Iīll ask him to produce another set.

-- Bernd Froehlich (bernd.froehlich@arcplan.com), July 21, 2002.

I have a corsa single in very good condition. Contact me. Sean Rosner

-- mr s. rosner (gsxrsr@aol.com), October 26, 2002.

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