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when are you going to show new dragonballz series? does guko die in the buu sega? what happens to the rest of the z-fighters?
-- Anonymous, July 30, 2002
Son`goku is turned into a kid agian the entare DB seris sucks don`t watch it
-- Anonymous, August 02, 2002
DBZ was really cooool...perhaps im saying this because im chinese =) but DBGT was dissapointing though...i watched them all anyway its still dragon ball, ya know
-- Anonymous, August 26, 2002
shut the fuck up magic knight of the dark dick u are a fucing bitch and what happens in the kid buu saga ok buu destroys the earth then vegeta and goku go to kabito kais planets then kid buu come and i dont want to spoil it for u
-- Anonymous, February 03, 2003
where did you see Dragon ball gt. did you download all the episodes if you did please tell me where.
-- Anonymous, October 04, 2003
How can u say DB suxz, DB was really good it what set up DBZ you know. And GT was alright , not as good as DB are DBZ but still worth watching
-- Anonymous, November 14, 2003