The Family Circle : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

St. Ann the mother of Mary was venerated in the middle ages until the reformation which caused her and other Saints to become less and less the focus of seeking help for one's family.

We know the lengthening of age for grandmother's and now Great-grandmothers is an accepted reality unknown during those days as life expectancy was perhaps at best 50. This is truly a blessing for us all.

Has the lessened devotion to St. Anne as Grandmother to Jesus lalong with St. Joachim the Grandfather of Jesus effected our attitude towards the elderly in our immediate surroundings?

I ask this of all of course and especially those who are young parents.

-- Jean Bouchard (, July 31, 2002



-- ... (...@........), August 01, 2002.


You could have a point there, young man. I did't see anyone post on there feastday either in forum. I will pray to Jesus' grandmother and grandfather tonight.

Thank you

-- David (, August 13, 2002.


First, I'll assume your first paragraph is true. Your question about the lessoned devotion to Sts. Anne and Joichim affecting our attitude towards the elderly is a good one. I am not sure. I believe it is more of a societal problem. There are still some cultures that hold the parents and grandparents in high esteem.

By the way, because western society has also influenced couples not getting married until their mid to late 20's or 30's, this has also lessened the great-grandparents that you spoke of.

-- Glenn (, August 13, 2002.

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