So much for personal security! : LUSENET : Unk's Troll-free Private Saloon : One Thread

This deals with a credit card I have with a [unnamed] national department store. On Monday, I got a rather thick envelope from them. I got around to opening it on Tuesday. The top letter said this is a statement of your confidential current account as requested [I hadn't requested it]. But the package had to be more than 20 pages long. I wondered how my account statement [balance zero] could be that long [it was one page]. Well here is how! It included the account statements of a number of other people [sort of randomly distributed around the country]. Contained a lot of information.

I called them; after going through 5 minutes of computer talk and pressing in numbers so as not to get messages in Farsi, I talked to a real person. He was non-plussed. He agreed that I could run them through my document shredder. Since I tilled that day, they are feeding worms.

Wonder how often this happens?

Best Wishes,,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, August 01, 2002


Forgot to mention:

If I hadn't shredded the stuff, I could give you the name and address of a couple of women in Virginia who bought some interesting underwear. ;<)))

Best Wishes,,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, August 01, 2002.

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