looking for glass balls

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Glassman Discussion Group : One Thread

looking for glass balls,various types of art glass,colors,opaqueness,about 12"-24" dia.with small 1"hole in top and approximate 3" hole in bottom

-- john rees (rees@intercomm.com), August 04, 2002


we used to fish up in alaska and on sundays we would take the day off and go beachcombing, always finding different sizes of glass balls .

-- keri maxim (carhgw@aol.com), January 24, 2003.

we used to fish up in alaska and on sundays we would take the day off and go beachcombing, always finding different sizes of glass balls .even amber colo.r

-- keri l maxim (carhgw@aol.com), January 24, 2003.

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