what did you pay for your f4?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I am considering buying an f4 1+1 this week. List price is $18,995.00. Dealer has alread marked down the price to $17,995.00. Is this a fair price or should i try to get it for less?

-- andrew fowler (a.g.fowler@sbcglobal.net), August 04, 2002


I THINK it sounds good. Maybe you could get him to come down another $500. Perhaps you should call other MV dealer to see what type of deals they'd be willing to offer and go back to your local dealer to see if he'd match it (consider the shipping also).

I bought mine '02 1+1 back in March '02 for $21K out the door(full MSPR). At the time, I didn't think discounts were possible, and I sort of owed the locale dealer the business, since I previously canceled my deposit on a '00 model in December '00 and gave my spot on the waiting list to another Ducati dealer, which caused a small fiasco. But that's another story.

-- Allan Gibbs (Phoenix, Arizona) (Agibbs996@aol.com), August 05, 2002.

Andrew, if you go to the MV Agusta website dealer section and go to each dealer webpage you will see that there are major differences in what some dealers are selling F4's for. I highly recommend KC International in Texas and Beaudry Motorsports in Idaho. They both gave me a sell price for a 1 + 1 of $17,500.00. With that quote I had my local dealer in North Carolina match it. Also go to Ebay as you will find some good deals from dealers and individual sellers posted there. For instance, a friend of mine in New York grabed an '02 F4 with 35 miles on it for $16,500.00 Not bad at all. As with most motor vehicles, if you shop around you can find deals-it just takes a little patience and web surfing. Good luck.

-- David P. Galleo (galleodp@wasp.usmc.mil), August 10, 2002.

I just talked to a dealer today in Wisconsin and he quoted me a price of $16,900 for a brand new 2002. So I would keep looking!

-- Eric Foutch (efoutch1@mchsi.com), August 15, 2002.

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