Tiger Balm

greenspun.com : LUSENET : AMTNSW : One Thread

Does anyone know where I can purchase Tiger Balm at wholesale prices? I use it quite a bit on clients. Does AMT sell it?? It's advertised on the back of the tee-shirt!

I get it at our local chemist, and boy is it expensive!


-- Fiona Henderson (cooredulla@bigpond.com), August 05, 2002


Hello Fiona

years ago when we were dealing with them the Australian representatives were Oriental Merchants in Melbourne. I guess you could phone them to see if they are still in business.


-- Diana Glazer (dglazer@zip.com.au), August 13, 2002.

Dear Fiona,

Good on you , yes Tiger Balm is fantastic, I was brought up on it.

Another good chinese application to use is Zheng Gu Shui, it's in brown liquid form. It really heats the body area up very quickly. My clients all tell me how effective it is. I still use Tiger Balm but actually find myself using Zheng Gu Shui more and more. It's inexpensive (about $5 I think) and you only need to use a little. You can buy it at any chinese supermarket that stocks chinese medicines.

PS Good to put it in a squeeze bottle otherwise it tends to pour out.

Regards Betty Lum

-- betty lum (bettylum@yahoo.com), September 21, 2002.

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