xd-Picture Card

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I would like to know interface of the xD-Picture card. How it is advantageous to other type of cards like CompactFlash, Smartmedia, MMC, SD. If anybody is having comparison chart then can u provide it to me.


-- Vishal Jain (vishu_jain@yahoo.com), August 13, 2002



The new xD card will allow capacities of up to 8GB. This is obviously going to be used for higer megapixel digital cameras in the near future. Here is a URL with a press release explaining more details. http://www.digital-camerastore.com/digital_camera_news/olympusnov2002- 5.htm

-- Darrell Mullins (darrmullins@cfl.rr.com), November 17, 2002.

it's my self only. Thanks,

-- paresh shiroya (palimpex@hotmail.com), February 24, 2003.

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