DB2 and Informix Security auditinggreenspun.com : LUSENET : DBAzine : One Thread |
I am looking for a script to run a security audit for DB2 and Informix. Need as soon as possible for auditing. Script(s) that tests for default usernames and passwords, what is logged,group and user info, permission info, version and licensing, etc. Does anyone have something similar or know where to get it. I have Oracle and SQL but just do not have the time, resources, or overall knowledge of these to create these scripts. Thank for any help.
-- Need Help (1n53cur3@insecure.net), August 13, 2002
See http://www.sprdb2.com/DBARS/summary.htm for db2
-- (pol.petit@fmp-fbz.fgov.be), February 18, 2005.