who's going to the dictators show in auckland?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Identity Theft : One Thread

i wanna but i probably won't make it, too bad.

-- unknown or illegal user (doorag@eudoramail.com), August 17, 2002


-- unknown or illegal user (doorag@eudoramail.com), August 17, 2002.

OK it's on! i'm going! i'm excited, there is not a heck of a lot of rock bands i would travel even downtown to see but i am going all the hell right up the country to see these guys...hey AK you better show me a GOOD TIME.

-- unknown or illegal user (doorag@eudoramail.com), August 18, 2002.

i did go & it was excellent. me & dan brady were down the front yelling for fav songs & shit. ross the boss & adny shernoff were at the party afterwards at sjionel's place but i didnt talk to them.

-- unknown or illegal user (doorag@eudoramail.com), September 16, 2002.

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