So what's up your ass today, anyway? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Since everyone was so damn grumpy on the other board, I figure right now you're yelling at the receptionist and nagging your kids. Take it out on us, instead.

What's up my ass: I think you know the biggie, but furthermore, I hate being a girl. And that's all I'm saying about that.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002


Same here. I spent most of last night praying someone would come along in the night and rip out all my so-called reproductive organs. Didn't happen. I don't remember ever hurting quite this much.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

Oh, you poor thing. I'm not actually in pain anymore. But I'm thinking my new user title should be something including the word "gusher."

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

I missed all the crabiness on the "real" board today, and that makes me sad.

Other than that, though, I'm actually kind of having a good day.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

My right knee is up my ass, if such a thing is possible. It hurt to roll over in bed last night, so I woke up every time I tried to move it, which means I'm tired and cranky today despite doubling up on caffeine. On the plus side, the knee is feeling much better now, and I'm thinking I might be able to work out tonight after all.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

So, we're camping out again, are we? Bloody West Host.

On the other hand I have a ton of work to do, and this is good incentive to go do it. Work is up my ass today.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

I started a new job 6 weeks ago and have been commuting on the 3rd worst commuter stretch in the United States (as reported in a recent survey on CNN). The last week has been hell, when the first 5 weeks were a breeze. It suddenly dawned on me that everyone was simply on vacation and I have months to look forward to this crap. &*#$@!!!

I use a car discman and the freakin' batteries went dead 10 minutes into the drive. I hate morning radio shows.

Talk about a cranky way to start off the day.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

Well, the good part is, it explained retroactively why I was having such a crappy week for notverygood reasons. Heh.

And Karen, having your knee up your ass sounds incredibly painful!

Today, I also went to the first meeting of the official work year (which basically follows the academic calendar). I wore real clothes for the first time in months, and there's no one to tell about it. Sob.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

The fact that I'm operating on roughly three hours of sleep. It's my own fault. My talkative friend who I haven't spoken to since March called me at 10:00 PM and we had much to catch up on. Like a stupid idiot, I didn't hang up with her until 4:30 AM, didn't pass out until 5:00 and was up at 8:00 to come to work.

I'm sitting very, very quietly at my desk right now so I don't turn into a raging psycho bitch at the first person who looks at me funny. Only three hours to go...

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

There needs to be a rule around here: if you ask me to go to lunch with you and say you'll be done working in about 5 minutes, and so I tell my regular lunch buddies to go on ahead without me -

it should be in FIVE MINUTES, not an hour and five minutes and you shouldn't get pissy when I ask whether or not plans have changed.

Even if you're related to me, that's rude and you made me so hungry I didn't even enjoy lunch.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

I'm trying to be all disciplined n' shit, so I didn't even check the board, not even once, all morning, thinking I would save it for after lunch. Fucking West Host. However, I am getting assloads of work done.

I am also in an irrationally grumbly mood; is this a pregnant thing? Am I going to be PMSing for nine months? Good god.

On the other hand, I did just find out that it's a long weekend, like, 20 minutes ago, so we will have time this weekend to bike to the ravine, clean up for Stacey, AND see a movie. Long weekend! Long weekend!

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

Darn, I missed some good crabbiness, apparently, on the other board. And I'm feeling pretty crabby myself. I'm bloated, crampy, and headachy. I'm trying to lay low, but I've already had to suffer through a two-hour meeting and a training session. The next two hours will hopefully be quiet and people-free.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

Rachel, you haven't been paying attention. Audiobooks, sister. It's the only way to survive a big fat commute.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

Chiming in with hatred of the reproductive organs. I did call in sick to work today, so I'm only inflicting my attitude on the cat.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

I have to find a job, and I hate looking for a job. Greg was snoring again last night and the earplugs made my ears sore. I spent the whole morning on the phone getting my parents a new mortgage and only just got out of pajamas. At 2 PM. The fucking ice cream truck is back playing fucking "La Cucaracha" again, and it's seriously enough to make you go postal. I hate antonyms. I hate the GRE. I hate standardized tests in general. And no, I don't even have PMS to blame all this on.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

Amy, love, you so do not have to clean up for us. For god's sake, you're letting us live at your condo for a week plus -- that's already above and beyond the call of duty. We won't mind a bit if your place is messy.

I've been whiny all day about stuff, plus PMS bitchery, but I just had a rollicking good time at my evolutionary psychology class, so I'm feeling happier now.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

Gusher? Check.

At least my headache finally went away.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

I have a client's invitation mailing that was supposed to go in the mail tomorrow and the world seems to be conspiring against that happening.

First of all, it's been raining since yesterday and the invitation, printed on glossy stock, requiring a lot of ink coverage, WOULDN"T DRY! So, now, when it's finally dried and the printer is within 45 minutes of being ready to put them on a truck to deliver to the mail house, the mail house says that they won't have anyone to receive the boxes after 5pm. Usually there is someone there until 8pm, but NO, today only until 5 fucking pm.

Which means that the invitations won't get to the mail house until about 8:30am tomorrow morning. Which would be fine except for the fact that the mail house works tomorrow from 6am to 2pm and getting them there at 8:30am won't give them enough time to finish mailing. Add in a holiday weekend and fucking presto, my invitations don't drop until Tuesday. THEY ARE ALL COCKSUCKERS!!!!!!!



-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

My office had a major bid proposal due at 2pm today, and we were still waiting on a huge portion of the information from another company this morning. To top it off, EVERYONE else in the office either called in sick, or is out for other reasons today, leaving me to finish all of it alone, as well as handle all the phones. I managed to get the information and get it finished and submitted in time, but I damn well had better get an extra day off or some monetary compensation in recognition of my work.

So I guess you could say that my coworkers are up my ass today.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

Well, let's see ...

Being a procrastinator, I put off doing the service desk's annual report until today. Due tomorrow, not that hard to do, plenty of time. Except ... I just discovered that, despite being sent a copy of last year's annual report as a sample to work with, my coworker did not compile the service desk stats properly, which means that I get to go find the original information and redo her work. Assuming that I can find them, since she's on vacation and therefore not around to ask. I also requested that she send me notice of her personal accomplishments for said report, which she did not do, which means that the Boss is going to be yelling at me just the way she did last year. And six months of statistics for one of our functions has just gone missing; nobody knows where it's gone, which means that I get to fake it magnificently for the second year in a row. (Our statistics database crashed last year, taking almost the whole year with it.)

The underboss is being freaky weird since The Incident Which Will Not Be Discussed Again. Won't look me in the eye, gets twitchy whenever I'm around. I don't want to bring it up -- and I don't see how I can at this late date -- but this is getting silly. I mean, I needed to ask her advice on how to handle a request yesterday, and she basically managed to both answer me and pretend I wasn't there, which is really a masterful trick.

My allergy medication has decided that, yes, two years is long enough to work and it's going to start failing now. I don't even ask it to keep me decongested. All I want is for it to keep my eyes from getting cruddy. Is that too much to ask? In any event, having gone through Claritin and Allegra, I suppose we now move on to Zyrtec. Or maybe back to Claritin, if taking two years off will make it work again. (Which would be nice, as it's the only one of the two allergy drugs covered on our HMO formulary that I can actually take -- the other one gives me colds.)

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

I have to look for a job too, Melissa. I've been a stay at home mom for a very long time. I want to work, I just don't want to look for a job. Could I just fast forward? Pretty please? I don't even know what to look for. I have a degree in philosophy. What was I thinking? Am I qualified for anything? (and shut up to everyone thinking "McDonalds" right now.)

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

At 12:00 my window for registering for this semester opened. I have 2 days to register. As of 12:00 there were no (none, zilch, zero) courses that had open seats. Not a one. So unless someone drops a class and I miraculously happen to be on the registration site at the exact second they drop it, I can't go to school this semester.

It looks like I'll be spending the next 48 hours hitting the refresh button and swearing. Fuck.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

I am replacing some vehicles in my fleet. I ordered 10 of them, to be exact. Except the regional manager has reacted to poor quality of the early models of Focus, and listened to uninformed opinion, and I get order confirmations for 23 vehicles. At a cost of almost $1 million ( 1st and last lease cost, losses when the replaced vehicles go to auction and don't meet amount of money that is still owed on them, etc ) I haven't budgeted for. Yes, the Focus is a poor quality vehicle in the first 2 years, but we got them fixed. We now know what to look for and the remedies. I have to explain any budget overruns, and based on past experience, she is not going to listen. It will be all my fault, and it may be too late to cancel the order. It is actions such as these is why I have such alot of forehead.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

It's true, guppy, I need some audiobooks, stat!

The thought did cross my mind this morning that I should look in the TUS archives for good audiobook recommendations, since I've decided that I'm not going to finish "A Fine Balance" any time soon (5 of 15 hours done, but that sucker's gonna depress me, I can tell). But, alas, the forum is down and the Seattle Public Library system is closed for the week due to budget mismanagement and lack of can't run over there on my lunch break. The library being closed is yet another gripe of the day...

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

Okay, I've been avoiding bitching about this because it makes me feel ninety eight years old, but I've got shingles, and they won't go away, and they suck. My face feels exceedingly weird, my eye hurts, and I'm going to end up with scars, I can tell. Plus I keep getting a fever. And I'm grumpy. And I'm at work on a day I'm not supposed to be at work, because I missed so much time being sick last week. I am now just sick enough to feel shitty but not sick enough to stay home.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

Oh, Spinny, that's awful. I'm sorry! I've never had shingles, but a friend did once, and I have some idea of how horrible it can be. Take care of yourself.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

You know, I thought I had shingles . . . at least twice, maybe three times. Turns out it was a weeks-delayed allergic reaction to penicillin. How was I supposed to figure that out??

Now y'all know something new about me. I'm allergic to penicillin, but not sulfa drugs. You're welcome.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

Hey, and I'm allergic to sulfa drugs, but not penicillin. Aren't we fascinating?

Thanks, Plin, for the sympathy. I am getting better and it's not as bad as it could be. I just need to whine sometimes.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

I am allergic to sulfa, too! My grandmother had shingles recently. I really felt badly for her. I hope yours doesn't linger.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

What's up my ass is my main computer died last night. Froze up (again, for the billionth time) and would only turn on in safe mode. I did all the trouble-shooting I could do and damned if it just laughed at me and went dead. It's now back in the shop for someone else who knows what to do to fix it. (I know all you computer people just rolled your eyes and chuckled because you could probably have fixed it in two steps, but then the forum went down and I couldn't ask any of you. waaaaaaah) I'm also cranky from a crappy day where people have lied to ma about what they need vs. what they can afford. It's not a trick question, really. I'm trying to help you, give the the truth. geez.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

I'm with Rachel on the Seattle Library being closed this week. There must be another way to balance the city budget besides closing the library. Cocksuckers.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

One of the youngling lawyers tried to be the princess today. She failed, but we wasted a lot of time making her settle down.

Other than that, I'm okay. And I'm healthy, which is good since I'm allergic to both penicillin and sulfa.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

You know, I'm all for librarians making good money (since a library degree is fucking hard to get and costs something like $40,000 in tuition alone), but for salaries to make up - what is it, 76% of the budget? - for a library system is ridiculous. Hello, books?

Kazzy, fear not. People just care that you HAVE the degree, not what it's in, for many jobs. I can't tell you how many times I heard (in the past) to not even apply for a job somewhere until I finished my B.A. Right, because six more courses in Romantic poetry and Native American lit are going to help me answer your phones better?

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

You know, I'm all for librarians making good money (since a library degree is fucking hard to get and costs something like $40,000 in tuition alone), but for salaries to make up - what is it, 76% of the budget? - for a library system is ridiculous. Hello, books?

Seventy-six ... how on earth did they manage THAT? WHO managed that?

In both of my jobs as a librarian, we've been able to get by without massive staff cuts when the budget fails because staff is typically not that huge an expense in libraries. (OK, granted, academic libraries. And one was a medical library, so lotsa journals. But STILL....)

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

Damn, I missed you all being crabby, it's so fun to watch. That'll teach me for sleeping.

Meanwhile, I have assignments for every class due over the next ten days and I've yet to work up any enthusiasm to even start tackling one of them.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

I am in a vile humor today, and I have no hormonal reason. Just plain nasty mood. It helped some to go out to lunch, but our discussion pissed me off. There are really very few people at work I actively dislike, but we spent most of lunch talking about one of them, and I found out some stuff about her as a person (as opposed to just another talking head) that made me dislike her even more. Damn.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

Iain - maybe i'm butting in here, but you should TALK TO YOUR COWORKER. Really. If it's interfereing with what you have to do, bite the bullet, and say something like 'i realize that THIS INCIDENT upset you - i wanted to apologize for making such a foolish mistake by following an unfamilier link at work - i was as shocked as you!' or something. If you kinda make it sound like you were embarassed, and felt 'dumb', maybe that'll make her feel a little more grown up or something and then it'll all be over. Ignore this if it's totally pointless, but stuff like that can really bite you in the ass later.

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002

I'm pissed at Netflix. When I went to take a look at my queue, I got a message that there's a problem with my account. The card I gave them when I signed up expires this month, and they want me to update the info before they send me any more DVDs. I haven't received the new card yet, so I can't update the info.

The thing is, the current card doesn't expire until the end of the month. So not only is the charge from last month supposed to cover through the 12th, the card will be good on the 13th when they'll charge for the next month's service.

I've sent email to their customer service, so hopefull it'll get worked out soon. Or maybe my new card will arrive today, and I can deal with it that way. (Of course, with the new TV season coming up, I was debating over whether to cancel my membership this month or next.)

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2002

Up my ass this morning? A big truck, which rearended my Mustang and then drove off. Fortunately, it was a very low speed collision, so I'm fine, but my baby is all scuffed and scratched and I was an hour late to work and really did not need this in what is already a very short week for me due to the holiday yesterday and business travel starting Thursday afternoon. Grrrrr.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2002

what's up my ass is fact that the mailroom seems to have lost my timesheet. which means I'm not going to get paid this week. which is also rent week. And many-bills-week. And I think there's enough in my checking account to cover it, but not much more. agh.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2002

Well, reinstalling the system seemed to work. That is good. I remembered to backup my mail folders. That is also good.

I forgot to backup my email addresses. And my bookmarks.

I fucking suck.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2002

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