Which broadband provider?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Paler.com discussions : One Thread

Hi. I'd like to get broadband internet, but most of the main companies eg NTL & Telewest don't seem to operate in my area. I'm not keen on BT because of the high installation costs. My current ISP is Tiscali and the service is rubbish so I don't want to stay with them. Any suggestions?


-- Helen Stockwell (hjstockwell@hotmail.com), September 03, 2002


Given as how the most affordable routes to broadband are cable (NTL and Telewest) or ADSL (which goes via BT anyway). You might like ISP Review's readers top 10, which includes an ADSL top 10. I'd try reading the reviews and messages on some of the forums attached to the sites linked to from my UK Broadband internet access page.

-- Michael Bluett (michaelbluett@despammed.com), September 06, 2002.

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