Cure for eye sight : LUSENET : : One Thread

I heard that there is treatment available for treating power without any surgery or glasses in a natural way through eye exercises, etc. I heard this is a one week course at the Arbindo ashram or Auroville. Can you please provide more information and whom to contact to make an appointment? Thanks,

-- Kamala Chandrasekhar (, September 05, 2002


Hello, I am also on the lookout for this program to benefit my Four Year old Daughter. However let us help each other by letting know of the program details whoever gets to know first. Good Wishes.

-- Riyaz Babu N.S. (, January 22, 2003.

hi both of u, i dont know where u guys are located, but here in kerala we do have a centre for that... its not just one week's course, but the contact session is just for a week and the rest can be done at home... and i have heard it works coz one of my friends' sis now doesnt use her glasses after the treatement... i dont know much about it, but if u r interested, i am always ready to help... get in touch at my id.... wishing u the very best love nisha

-- nisha (, April 05, 2003.

The contact address is :

Prapanna, School for Perfect Eyesight, 2A,St Louis Street , Podicherry.

-- Deepa Vijay (, April 12, 2003.

Anoone want to contribute on their experience at this school in Pondicherry. Thanks.

-- Shankar (, June 13, 2003.

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