Suspension settings : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hi Can anybody give me any ideas on what settings are best on the F4 1+1 I ride solo fast ish, I weigh aprrox 14stone. The front end feels as though its going to slide from under me, it's on stock settings at the moment. Any help you can give would be great.

-- malcolm holden (, September 13, 2002


14 stones? Boulders? Hee hee. Just taking the mickey a bit... Us Americans don't know what Stones are...

But that does sound a bit on the big side. I'm like that too. When does the front feel like it's going to go away? After the "bounce" of the suspension when you are down in a corner? Under braking? When you hit bumps in either situation?

In general, the MV is sprung very lightly and not very damped. They can get away with this because the thing still stays very composed even with the suspension working so hard. I have only added one full turn of preload on each end, one click of compression and 2 clicks of rebound so far. It's helped, but you can definitely make things worse by going too far so you have to go incrementally. Once I take it to the track I'll have a much better idea of what's right/wrong.


-- Andy Ruhl (, September 13, 2002.

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