Is the Ombudsman the next step? : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

After taking the good advice on this site I have decided against filling out the I&E form. I am now dealing direct with YBS and not Addleshaws anymore. I am in the same position of going round and round in circles. They have provided me with the SARN documents. I offer them full and final they refuse without I&E. Each letter threatens court action if I don't fill this in. I believe the property was undersold but YBS refuse to acknowledge this. As I am getting nowhere with YBS should I advise the Ombudsman that I believe the property was undersold? Is this the sort of thing they deal with? I am also thinking that maybe they could act as a mediator between us to resolve this case? Any ideas of what I do next?

Thank you

-- Jessie (, September 13, 2002



-- Geoff Winters (, September 13, 2002.


Have you contacted your local MP?

-- M Amos (, September 14, 2002.

I haven't contacted my local MP. Do I write to outline the shortfall, how I have beem unfairly treated with relation to the underselling of the property? What will he do? Thanks

-- Jessie (, September 14, 2002.


Make an appointment to see your MP at his surgery. Go well prepared with all the details of your case, stress that your lender is trying to force a settlement on you which they will not properly substantiate. Tell him about the Early Day Motion 62 (below) raised by Mike Hancock MP for Portsmouth South 2 years ago and ask him what's happening regarding this issue, and what help he can give you. What he will do varies from each individual MP. I would recommend everyone to ask there MP this question regarding the EDM. In my opinion an MP who only tells you to take your case to the Financial Ombudsman is not doing as much as he should do. But do try,what have you got to lose. If we all sit about as meek as lambs nothing will ever happen,that's for certain.

EDM 62 DEBT RECOVERY 07.12.00 Hancock/Mike That this House denounces the unacceptable tactics used by lenders, specifically Abbey National Bank, to try to force settlements on debts which they will not properly substantiate; notes that such tactics breach the Mortgage Code while lenders are not being held to account; condemns mortgage shortfall debt recovery by lenders like Abbey National Bank many years after repossession; and therefore calls upon the Government to take the necessary steps to ensure borrowers are given the protection they deserve from lenders intent on maximising their profits at any expense.

Good Luck, Mark.

-- M Amos (, September 15, 2002.

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