The incredibly hard to get soundtrack : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

Ok is there anybody out there? Hello Hello Hello. I've been waiting on the soundtrack, on order, since febuary at a local music store. I'm very willing to write them off but I have a problem I don't think that I can get the soundtrack without a credit card online. I'm I wrong to assume this? Please tell me I'm wrong. BTW its very nice to be back online.

-- Nadar (, September 18, 2002


Is there some sort of alternative payment means? Money order or something like that?

I used my parents credit card myself. Permission granted.

Still waiting on it though.

-- Sam (, September 19, 2002.

I just don't know all I've ever seen is credit card payment, but I havent looked lately, as I've not had a computer.

-- nadar (, September 19, 2002.

I wait no longer, because, oh boy, I just got it. I think it may take much time for me to better mature my sences onto this kind of music, in the mean time tracks like "Demi Gods" hold my hand from beggining to end. Uhh, I dont suppose anyone actually won something from the riddle on the inside cover?

Speaking of soundtracks I have recently come across the Akira one. I dont suppose one comes accross music quite like this any old day. I guess the movie in all its epic grandeur managed to cause some detraction of an attention for me that I feel this music so rightly was and is deserving of. I am finding it as much worth the listen as the look, and of course, need I remind those who need;) the read!!!

-- Sam (, September 25, 2002.

It's not hard to find. The original distributor still has it for sale here:

-- Adam Tierney (, December 23, 2003.

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