
greenspun.com : LUSENET : CountrySide Family : One Thread

this year, I decided to plant some gourds. Some I have read about in the FOXFIRE series. Dipper gourds, and birdhouse gourds. I have NEVER seen them planted in this state,, though I have seen the birdhouse gourds used. SO I decided to try them, ordered the seeds from Gurneys, I have had problems before with them, mostly with live plants, but they have replaced them, a couple of times, jsut froma an email,, so I cant complain too much.

anyways, I planted them,, the dippers came up great, the birdhouse gourds,,, well,,, between the weather and the chickens scratching around,, only one came up, to produce anything, just one gourd. The dippers gourds,, I have about 10, ranging from good size,,, to HUGE ! ! !.

the weather is supposed to turn cool/cold this weekend, and last for at least a week. The leaves are jsut starting to wither a bit,, but spring back when the sun gets to them.

Question is,,, will frost hurt the gourds at all? Do the gourds needs to start to dry on the vine to be good? If these were pumpkins,,, no problem,, but,,,,,

-- Stan (sopal@net-pert.com), September 19, 2002


The frost will just stop their growth, if you pick them too soon then they rot from all the water in them, I leave mine on the vine till they dry out all the way. If they get a little discoloration or mold on them that will usually clean off with a little scrubbing.

-- BC (desertdewller@yahoo.com), September 20, 2002.

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