Suikoden... the other other white meat! : LUSENET : All Things Final Fantasy II : One Thread

Yeah, so, last last christmas, I got this game Suikoden. I loved it, but lost my game. Recently, I found it again.

For those of you who havent played it, its pretty good as RPGs go. Nice Super Nintendo Graphics (But, any Hardcore RPGer knows Graphics are shit), great plot, and many many subquests/plots/characters. Hell, you can nab up to 108 different characters in this game, each with their own unique storyline.

I think this game originally came out for the SNES in Japan, but it was never released over here except for PS.

Now, before I start asking questions about this game, am I actually going to be able to get any help here? Or am I the only one who has bothered with this masterpeice of a game? (You can probably nab a copy for 7 bucks used, and its WELL worth it.)

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2002


Thanks for your advice, i'll look into and buy this game. Your definately right about the graphics part, graphics don't matter worth shit. To tell the truth, i actually like the graphics from all the FF's before 7 more then 7,8,9 and 10. They give you that "old schoo RPG" feeling.

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2002

I've played suikoden 2 which is good and gives you the opportunity to load previous data (character levels i pressume) from the origanal. but i haven't played the origanal.

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2002

Hey KC, you found a guy caled Flik yet. He's in my party often on 2 and I was wonderimg if and, if so, what he is like on the oiginal.

-- Anonymous, September 21, 2002

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