CanonXL1 vs Sony DSR PD150 vs Canon : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
I'm considering purchasing one of these three cameras. I've had the chance to work with the Canon XL1 and I've had the chance to try out the Sony DSR PD150. So far I'm leaning toward the Sony for a few reasons: DV CAM format, XLR audio inputs with control selection, ease of use (buttons menus are easy to use, to figure out things like setting Time Code to "Preset" or "Regen"). Although, Canon does have a great reputation for lenses, and the GL2 looks good with 20X Optical Zoom, and a hot shoe for still photos that controls one or more flashes.Does anyone have any PRO's or CON's that they can share with regard to these three cameras?
-- Bernice (, September 22, 2002
Get the xl1s not xl1. The other cameras all are good. I went through same shit. I ended up with the panasonic dvx-100 sorry to confuse you more, The next was xl1s, but it will cost a little more.
-- vin (, September 26, 2002.
Unless you really need 4 audio inputs get the Xl1s, else the GL2 is great, i'm not sure about the PD150
-- james blackburn (, March 08, 2003.