Where can I get German Animes????

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Does anybody know where i can get german anime episodes like Visions of Escaflowne or Evangelion? (or with ST)

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2002


escaflowne and evangelion are not showing in germany! (only escaflowne, but it's japanese).


-- Anonymous, November 07, 2002

I too am looking for german versions of "Vision of Excaflowne". I was in Germany over the Summer and know for a fact that they do exist. I actually have never seen a episode in english or any other language than german. I came across a few on Grokster but was unwilling to wait 223 hours for them to download. If you find any let me know. I will do the same.

-- Anonymous, November 13, 2002

I'm German!If you meen on german TV,You can get escaflower somewhere on Premiere.

-- Anonymous, December 27, 2002

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