Outlaw Star, no kazaagreenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Hey all,Im fan of Outlaw star but I cant seem to find a lot of it on KaZaa, so i need a good mIRC channel/server or an ftp
any1 know a food 1?
Thanks in advance,
-- Anonymous, September 26, 2002
no im sorry
-- Anonymous, September 27, 2002
Hey, wuts and FTP or irc???? Ive been to a lot of sites that say that I can download anime eps, through their FTp or IRc???? How do I get to the FTP or IRC???
-- Anonymous, October 30, 2002
Well,mIRC ( www.mirc.com ) is a good program to get on irc servers, its actually a chat program but some ppl have servers there which almost always go very fast, there just one problem, there a re long qeues.
FTP ( hmmmm, i dunno ) I dont use it much but if you go to download.com and search for FTP then you'll get a list with programs, im not sure how to use it, cuz I only use it to upload my websites
Hope this helped,
-- Anonymous, October 31, 2002
TRY imesch
-- Anonymous, November 04, 2002