$ 1.3 M per month / Seeking distributor inthe USAgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Coffee Related Buy/Sell/Trade : One Thread |
We are Canadian coffee roaster roasting and blending coffee for the retail, food chain store, food service,institutional and the private labels industries.We are offering you a complete range of qualities coffee , specialites and gourmet coffee , decaf coffee , hot chocolate , espresso and cappuccino , teas and herbal teas, instant and freeze dry coffee , and 100 % concentrate juice.
We are seeking distributor in the USA to care about our exisiting clienteles ( range approx 1.3. millions USD of purchase orders) and to dispach , deliveries , follow-up customers services our products and increase the clienteles...
The incombent will have to be well establish in the foods trade, well orgarnized a sales task forces in place and complete warehouse with a business working plan...
If you have ideas or comments or something in your mind as our i can deal with that ??? Our door is always open to goods business opportunities and fresh ideas.
In the meantime to hear from you,
I remain, Respectfully Yours,
Claude Parent Societe Cafe Inc parent@sympatico.ca
-- Claude Parent (parent@sympatico.ca), September 28, 2002
I have been in the coffee industry for the last 12 years. As you have realize I'm French Canadian of origin but I have been living in California since 1976. If your business is primarily on the East Coast it would be difficult for me to manage. On the West coast it would make sence for me to explore this a little further. give me a little more info.Georges
-- georges fortier (georgefortier@cox.net), February 11, 2003.
I live in Michigan and am interested. I don't know where most of your businees lies, but maybe I can help. Thanks, Byron
-- Byron Prange (redwing1953@hotmail.com), February 20, 2003.
We are located in New York and would be interested in discussing
-- Andy Schwartz (andy@techmedia-ind.com), February 27, 2003.
We have many years of food and beverage experience as retailer but we might be some assistance to your need in West Coast since we have distribution and sales location to warehouse and distribute your products. We need more info.
-- Coffee Guy (sfbeancounter@hotmail.com), March 05, 2003.
I'm in pomona califirnia. I'm going to open a coffee shop it's centaly located in pomona down town art colony. i'm interested in distributing your produces exclusivly. need info on how we can do bussiness.
-- keisha manijean (drmicky95@hotmail.com), March 28, 2003.
If you are the people who have an advertise in the Winnipeg free Press looking for a Sales Executive for Minneapolis, you could have reached the person you are trying to find. If this is the case, then upon receiving an ackknowledgement from you, Complete information will be forwarded to you, .. My Thanks, Respectfully.. L.R.(Lou) Wolfe
-- Lou Wolfe (ellarwolfe@aol.com), April 28, 2003.
I'm in South Florida (Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach) if interested email
-- MICHAEL BRIAN GOODSTEIN (mgoodstein@bellsouth.net), September 09, 2003.