Front brake line routing : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

The front brake line on an F4 I've just got hold of is routed from the reservoir round the back of the bottom yoke then forwards again so that it can fit through the slot in the mudguard. Is this right? Shouldn't the brake line go straight down in front of the yokes? I think this has caused a kink in the brake line which is worrying me.

-- jonathan pearson (, October 03, 2002


Greetings Jonathan- You are correct. The front brake line on my F4 goes straight down the right fork tube and around the front of the bottom yoke. I recommend replacing the damaged brake line. Inside the braided steel is a teflon line. If kinked this restricts the flow of fluid to the brake calipers. In an extreme condition it could also cause the front brakes to stick by not allowing the fluid to flow back into the reservoir. either way it's bad.

-- Tim W (, October 04, 2002.

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