Where can I get a horn lever, etc. at?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

I am very seriously considering attempting to make somewhat of a engineers cab, like a GP or something, (Interior only) when I finish my model RR layout, that will house the controls, etc. .....very similiar to driving a real train when operating the layout.

My question is, where could I possibly obtain the items I will need, such as the silver knob that operates the horns, the reverser, throttle, various switches, etc.?

Is this a nearly impossible mission, or could someone possibly lead me in the right direction. Anything you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

-- Elton (repoman801@aol.com), October 06, 2002


There are at least a couple of locomotive dealers in the Roanoke area that part out and scrap used locomotives. One is Cycle Systems; the other names I have forgotten right now. You can get whole throttlestands or just parts from them. That would probably be cheaper and easier than anything else. The original equipment manufacturers might supply you to; but at a greater price. I think Adlake made some of the standard pneumatic horn valve handles you mentioned.

Ben Lee

-- Ben Lee (Bengineer7@aol.com), October 13, 2002.

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