Cowboy Bebop Sheet Music : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Does anyone know where I can find sheet music from Cowboy Bebop for the opening theme "Tank" ?

If so please tell me. Please and thank you?

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2002



-- Anonymous, October 14, 2002

A band score used to be available on for $34.00 but now it isn't. I have seen an imported Cowboy Bebop band score at for 2100 yin, though I don't know too much about. That is the only place I know. If you find out anything else about CB sheet music, let me know please.

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2002

....... you could go to

i think they have real folk blues....and some other stuff

-- Anonymous, October 28, 2002

not really only piano bar and rain for thwe piano at animescore

-- Anonymous, November 24, 2002

i too am looking for the sheet music for CB's Tank i saw has a large book with several songs but it is 120.

-- Anonymous, December 18, 2002

Well, is setting up a pre-order to get a new shipment. If they get 1000 pre-orders they're gonna ask the company that prints the books to pick production back up, so if you really want it that much, go to and pre-order it so it'll go back in print.

-- Anonymous, February 11, 2003

I'm almost done with a jazz band arrangement of Tank! 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, 5 saxes, rhythm section.

-- Anonymous, March 15, 2003

I deeply regret to tell you all but I must tell what is up with the band score. After much searching and asking around the scores have been discontinued, they are out of print. The only way to get a hold of one is to find a used copy or to ask to have the music reprinted.

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2003

i say we just keep sending messages to animebooks so that we can all get the sheet music we want...the local high school band where i am is looking hard for some music but havent had any luck yet. if you find a place for too good too bad or rush...let me know...i'll let anyone know if i find something as :)

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2003

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