G Gundam & Cowboy Bebopgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Alright, I know that this is something that has probably been covered a lot, but does any one no where I can download english full episodes of G Gundam and Cowboy Bebop?
-- Anonymous, October 13, 2002
i would like some sheet m,usic for g gundam for the instrumnet the trumpet
-- Anonymous, October 17, 2002
T o get things like that you have to go to Kazaa.com. If you wont I can send you some G Gundam pictures and songs. Just tell me your email address.
-- Anonymous, December 18, 2002
go to cartoonetwork on tv ant tape them, that is what i did and i have the full seerys of both.If you act quick they wont tack it off.
-- Anonymous, February 24, 2003