My Complete Aeon Flux DVD : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread |
Ahh, I love my DVD-R drive. I combined my official MTV tapes and DVD into a 3-disc set for myself. Of course, I put them all in proper order, gave them all matching title cards (like those on the official DVD), and renamed "Night" into "Mirror" (Peter Chung's preference). It's very nice to be able to pop a disc in and watch "End Sinister" without fast-forwarding to the end of a stupid, ever-decaying VHS tape...
Case snapshot here, if the picture link above doesn't work. Nope, I'm not a graphic designer... I just keeps things simple with my cases.
-- whirljack (, October 14, 2002
-- Sam (, October 14, 2002.
I wanna do that
-- Sam (, October 14, 2002.
fkn' NICE.
-- MARS (, October 15, 2002.
I was wondering, is there any feasible way to go about customing your own menu on a burnt DVD?
-- Sam (, October 15, 2002.
Sure. In the program I use, I have to make all of the menus from scratch. I just used the Eye & Fly graphic for mine.
-- whirljack (, October 15, 2002.
Fuckin A
-- Sam (, October 15, 2002.
Whats the program called?
-- Sam (, October 15, 2002.
I've got DVD Studio Pro for the Mac. Edited the title cards in Final Cut Pro. Kinda expensive stuff. Lucky for University discounts.
-- whirljack (, October 15, 2002.
Watch yr code, Sam...
-- Inu (, October 15, 2002.
But your green with envy. Quite right though, obviously I've just discovered the wonders of html. Its like playing with fire. The problem is, I dont know it, I've got this great program called DreamWeaver that makes things as simple as cutnpaste. These screw ups are distressing me I've got to stop!
-- Sam (, October 16, 2002.
-- Sam (, October 16, 2002.
-- Sam (, October 16, 2002.
kill me
-- Stupid (, October 16, 2002.
Shiddd, I say go nuts
-- dangerboy (, October 16, 2002.
double meaning? :)
-- Sam (, October 16, 2002.
I was just wondering if there was any way to copy something like the DVD that you put together. My best friend loves Aeon and would just die to have something like you have made. Please write me and let me know. Thanks!
-- Amy (, October 16, 2002.
I think it's safe to say we all want a copy. hook us up.
-- psyche (, October 17, 2002.
Hey Whirljack, Nice job.Considering all the unexpected visitors at this site, I wonder who is keeping an eye on this unruly community. Nothing to worry about, I'm sure.
-- Peter Chung (, October 17, 2002.
Hey, thanks Mr. Chung!Yeah, it's safe to say I won't be making any copies of these puppies, sorry. Beside the illegality of it, making a million copies of DVD- Rs is not how I want to spend my free time.
[explaination of the "Fair Use" legalese link above: it's okay for me to copy my own official MTV tapes/DVD for myself to use. It wouldn't be okay for me to distribute and/or sell it. "Fair use" is good stuff.]
-- whirljack (, October 17, 2002.
Zigackly. Inspiration all the same though, I very much appreciate your highlighting that possibility Whirljack. Schools almost out FOREVER for me. So, I think I'm going to have to put some of my spare time into stealing your idea, if you dont mind? I only hope I can still get the VHS set.I also hope I pass art design.
-- Sam (, October 17, 2002.
-- Inu (, October 17, 2002.
Maybe *this* is easier to read?
-- Inu (, October 17, 2002.
Still working?
-- Inu (, October 17, 2002.
I'll close this tag, if need be... just can't cope with large type.
-- Inu (, October 17, 2002.
-- Inu (, October 17, 2002.
Thas better...
-- Inu (, October 17, 2002.
Sam, go for it, man! And, if you need any advice on your try at some AF DVDs, just gimme an email.
-- whirljack (, October 17, 2002.
Does this burned DVD play on a non-modified DVD player?..IE the DVD player does not require any mod chips or anything?..Just curious, thanks...
-- Eric Benign (, October 17, 2002.
Yep, DVD-Rs work in most off-the-shelf DVD players. has a compatibility list here.The big thing I've found is DVD-R media quality. If you get some bad discs, watch out. Kind of like it was in the early days of CD-R.
-- whirljack (, October 17, 2002.
Great! Thanks a bunch for the info...
-- Eric Benign (, October 18, 2002.
hey i was wondering if you could make me a copy, as a friend and all, no money exchange. i would greatly appreciate it.
-- (, November 26, 2003.