Right, you older members probably won't want to awnser this, but

greenspun.com : LUSENET : All Things Final Fantasy II : One Thread

WTF happened at ATFF 1. From what I've gathered smepone called Lejes closed down all the topics with passwordn locks.So what happened?

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2002


Oh, and whats all this ATFF 111,1111,11111,111111...... all about.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2002

Lejes was the mod. When the rumor started that moderators would have to pay to keep it up, he gave the forum the big ugly X. He locked everything up.

P.S. That's just some guy being a dick with the ATFF IIIIII stuff

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2002

Acording to old records i found, the payment thing was one of many reasons that Lejes, the Saint of Justice, quit his mod job. Apparently, he wished to go off and do bigger and better things, and frankly, didn't have the time to be a mod anymore. Why he shut up ATFF in the first place is beyond me. The manuscript is a bit torn at that part. I wonder what he's up to right now...?

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2002

Lejes let Kant host Zirah off his server w/ a ethernet connection at his dorm. It was a kind of "ok, i took down ATFF1, so in order to gain many enemies, i will let Kant host a board off my computer." Then for the summer he couldnt stay in the dorm(of course) so it went down. i havent heard anything about hin since.

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2002

ATFFIIIIIIIIIIIIII is just a place where all the pointless spam/topics that were dull or no-one answered to just to get rid of it but so it is still there if n e one wants to read it...

-- Anonymous, October 19, 2002

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