macross plus : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

ok....i have this habit of renting anime from this video store up the street. however....they have macross plus 1, 3, 4, 5, (i don't know why!!!) and i'm the type of person who hate to watch things out of order

does anyone know where i can download episodes 3 and 4 that are on that tape?

-- Anonymous, October 28, 2002


Lol, I'm the same way. Well u could get irc....

-- Anonymous, October 29, 2002

Hey, wuts and FTP or irc???? Ive been to a lot of sites that say that I can download anime eps, through their FTp or IRc???? How do I get to the FTP or IRC???

-- Anonymous, October 30, 2002

I got all the episodes on Kazaa / Grokster :) .. they have a mix of dubbed and subbed on there.

-- Anonymous, November 03, 2002

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