Looking for free, downloadable anime?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Just download mIRC! It's the best people! You don't have to share files if you don't want to, and as far as I know people can't hack you when you're online ^o^. Ranma 1/2, Hack Sign, Chobbits, Sailor Moon Stars, the list goes on and on....

-- Anonymous, November 10, 2002


Hey, Im new to this Forum but do you have to pay for mIRC?

-- Anonymous, November 25, 2002

O.k, then how do you download it, and do you have to pay? Oh, does it have fruits basket? I keep looking but i cant find it.

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2002

no .. its free... just go on to an anime server and find ppl who are serving .. best to go the major fansub rooms who have their own servers so u can get a preety fast connection .. it might be a bit tricky at first using mirc and the fservs but u will get a hang of it ..

-- Anonymous, December 01, 2002


-- Anonymous, December 01, 2002

how to use MRIC to download an animation??? can u teach me??

-- Anonymous, December 17, 2002

Kaoru-dono, if u don't have cable or higher internet connection, don't bother wasting your time. LOL, I know cos' i've tried :)

-- Anonymous, January 08, 2003

Well... Essence... i have fruits basket 1 ^^ and....umm.. im downloading the rest with kazaa and imesh...

mirc.... i cant understand that ****** thing, soooo... i use easy things.. i hate complicated things........ _ _U

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2003

I tried mIRC once....I went to a place on it that was apparently for downloading dragonball eps and all they were doing is mindless unrelated chatting answering questions to a "bot" that was spouting out dragonball questions....actually only one of them was doing that but it sticks out.... I'd gladly try again if it were better explained to me and I could find a bloody room where people actually trade anime episodes!!

-- Anonymous, January 26, 2003

I've try'd using mIRC, so far I havnt had any luck, the fservs are always busy. It seems faster, and easier,to use Kazaa or somthing similar.

-- Anonymous, March 02, 2003

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