
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

So - how's your father-in-law??? Been thinking about you. XOXO Jane

-- Jane (jane@don't like spam.either), November 11, 2002


-- (_@_._), November 11, 2002.

Sorry, Janie. I'll email ya in a sec. Horror story on the job front. *sigh*

He's holding steady. It's a long story but he's in CCU after having had heart surgery (pumps put into his heart). He is where the doctors would hope he would be after that kind of surgery so, I guess that's good. We just take it a day at a time, really.

Off to email you~~~~~~

All my love :)

-- Jackiea (sorry@dontlikespam.com), November 11, 2002.

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