want FREE anime? Ranma, Love Hina, Slayers, Pokemon and HUNDREDS MORE? go to www.neo-modus.com and download the direct connect client, install it then run it. then enter a nickname, and share a folder (more than 500MB), click OK then click connect at the top and type in the address box animepantyhose.no-ip.com this will take you to a server where there's TONNES of Anime and Hentai, just search for it when you get in

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

want FREE anime? Ranma, Love Hina, Slayers, Pokemon and HUNDREDS MORE? go to www.neo-modus.com and download the direct connect client, install it then run it. then enter a nickname, and share a folder (more than 500MB), click OK then click connect at the top and type in the address box animepantyhose.no-ip.com this will take you to a server where there's TONNES of Anime and Hentai, just search for it when you get in

-- Anonymous, November 16, 2002


12 male

-- Anonymous, November 19, 2002

when i put "animepantyhose.no-ip.com" in the adress box it starts and then stops saying thatit's disconeccted form the hub! Help please!

-- Anonymous, December 18, 2002

you need to share at least 1 gb (1000 mb) (1,000,000, kb) (1,000,000,000 bytes)

-- Anonymous, January 09, 2003


-- Anonymous, January 12, 2003

i am sharing 3 gigs and i still cant get in y?

-- Anonymous, January 21, 2003

i also can't enter the hub and i have 1.5 gigs...... some help pleaz??????????????????

-- Anonymous, January 23, 2003

I know a better place to connect on direct connect and it is: hub3.crazycatgirl.com they are often full so you'll have to try to connect alot before u get in but its worth it they have 700 users max with an average of 30tb(30,000 gb) in the hub.

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2003

yea, um, to get into that hub, you actually need about 3 Gigs, so, don't go there unless you have 3 gigs of anime shared.

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2003

I have 45 gigs of shared music, movies, and progs, and aobut 6 gigs of it is anime... and I can't connect... lol...

-- Anonymous, August 07, 2003

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