Lifeless 2001 F4S! : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

After three months of inactivity(due to winter shutdown) I tried to start her up today. Although I expected the battery to be down on power I have found that there is no life at all - zilch! My Optimate charger suggests that the battery is FINE. Initially suspecting the Datatool immobiliser I then noticed that not only does the immobiliser not respond when required to arm/disarm but the bike doesn't even go through the "pre-flight" check of speedo/rev counter, etc. Anyone have any ideas as to what might be the source of the problem? Regards, Graham Herbertson

-- Graham Herbertson (, December 10, 2002


How about the alarm fuse? The datatool one should be located on the r/h side near the main fuse box (probably just behind). It's a single fuse in a small rubber compartment. You'll need a 10 amp mini- blade fuse to replace it. Regards, Bill

-- Bill Craigie (, December 10, 2002.

could also be lack of earth/ground. did you disconnect the negative terminals from the battery?

-- peter Arrigoni (, December 11, 2002.

I'll follow your advice this weekend when I'm back from business. In the mean time "thanks" and I may be back for more advice after the weekend! Regards Graham

-- Graham Herbertson (, December 12, 2002.

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