South-Asian Violin/Piano teachers in/around Surrey, BC, Canada : LUSENET : : One Thread

Is there any teacher in or around Surrey, BC, Canada that could teach me atleast beginners piano or violin. I'm looking for some one who can teach me from an Indian perspective. I have minimal knowledge of music but I love listening to Indian music.

-- Novin Ihsan (, December 15, 2002


Regardless of the type of music you would like to play, you need to learn how to approach the instrument the correct way. Then playing any cultural music in the world would be a matter of obtaining the musical score. You already have the necessary cultural background that will lead you better than any teacher, once you have the basics down. Good luck, Sergei Olikhovski Surrey BC

-- Russian Violin School (, January 21, 2003.

Hello Novin

You can check my school website for information about violin lessons.


-- Sergei Olikhovski (, February 18, 2003.

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