Anderson (Dr. Richard and Dr. Jap N.) : LUSENET : Genealogy Queries for Stanly County, North Carolina : One Thread

I am searching for information about my great great great grandfather, Dr. Richard Anderson, and his son, Dr. Jasper Neal Anderson (Jap). Both practiced medicine in Albemarle/Stanly county in the late 1800s/early 1900s. Dr. Richard Anderson served the CSA in the Civil War, while Dr. Jap Anderson served with the US Army in France during WWI. I believe Dr. Richard Anderson married a lady with the last name Forrest and Dr. Jap Anderson married a Daisy Redfern, but my family's info is sketchy. I would be greatful for any information on either of them or their ancestors/progeny.

-- Neil Anderson (, December 15, 2002


Checked the marriage book I have for Stanly Co. NC. R. A. Anderson age 26 son of Abe and Elizabeth Anderson married Martha J. Hathcock age 22 dau of Sol and Lovina Hathcock on 23 Dec 1877 by R. J. Morton book I page 46. Richard and Martha are listed in 1880 census for Stanly county and he is a physician. no children yet.

-- Lina Boyd (, December 21, 2002.

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