FFF, Final Fantasy Forever....the last? or the first?

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They say the newest Final Fantasy game is coming out, most call it FFF, Final Fantasy Forever. Yet the question remains. Is this the LAST of the FF series? or just the beginning of a new series? What's ur opinion on this?

-- Anonymous, December 20, 2002


Actually,the newest Final Fantasy game is called Final Fatasy X-2. It's actually a sequel to Final Fantasy X. I find it weird.

-- Anonymous, January 09, 2003

theres also the gba and gamecube versions of ff coming out soon

i doubt fff would be the last final fantasy because its squares main area - and now they are too dependant on the final fantasy series

-- Anonymous, February 01, 2003

I think as long as they keep making money on the games, they will keep creating more, until they get fed up and want to focus on something else.

-- Anonymous, March 18, 2003

seymor burns: excellent

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2003

stop making ff??!thats a waste of mony...

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2003

i dont think it will stop i herd it will last untill ff100 but i dont think it will that would be sooooooooooo boring (-_-)zzz

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2003

I hope it's a First in a new RPG genra break away from what made it Great and add something that wouldn't be like an FF game instead of summoning they will be party members,pilot robots win a war either good or evil, give the player a choice to determine the out com of the character, i think that will rock and please try and Break away from those sob story endings.

think about it final Fantasy is the perfect game for that because it doesn't have a beginning or an end. none of the games link together unless you count FF7 and FFT(tatics) because of cloud being in both of them, there just great titles. I would like to see a final fantasy reunion take at least six(three good and three bad)characters from each of them and choose good or evil. But they need bring the job system back like FF3j, and FF5 that was great because it was like playing them for the first, beat the game once change jobs do it again. I know that this isn't relevent to the question but thank for listening to a FF freak rambling on about the future a series that will and should never die.

-- Anonymous, June 01, 2003

Final Fantasy is the number one best selling game in the world, and will always be so. FF will change for the better and never ever let down its millions of fans. believe me ff will never stop, if it dose then SquareSoft will have one major problem on there hands, to many people will be very mad.

-- Anonymous, August 12, 2003

12 aint even in production I dont think.Final fantasyX-2 Is out in japan and its coming to US in first quarter,2004,Im so renting that,burning it,and keeping the burnt copy! lol!

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2003

*cough* *cough* If any of you are aware that the a sequal to a FF game is rare your wrong. There is FF7-2 (Final Fansty 7 Gaiden) FF8-2 (Final Fansty 8 Gaiden) FF9-2 (FF9 Gaiden) and the FF10-2 is the same BUT FF10 was a hit and so they deicided to release it out to America. It's nothing new you guys.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2003

FF X-2 is coming out in 2003 and the onlie ff11 is coming out in 2004 and yes both have the job selection but much much more jobs which is great and ff11 is interactive and online so it will be a smash hit

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2003

Actually the Final Fantasy Gaiden thing was an April fools joke, man :P Look it up if you don't believe me.

-- Anonymous, September 28, 2003

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