Trivia question : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I had a family member who first saw my MV remark that the single sided swingarm looked sort of odd and that he hadn't noticed this before on other bikes. So I explained that BMW has been doing this for a while, and so has Honda and Triumph on various bikes, among others.

But the trivia question I have for myself is: What other transverse mounted inline 4's have a single sided swingarm? Have there ever been any? Notice that BMW with their "flat" mounted inline 4 is not eligible for this question.

I really don't think there have been any, from a major manufacturer anyway.

-- Andy Ruhl (, December 23, 2002


The Yamaha GTS1000, early 90's, was a transverse mounted inline 4 with a single sided swingarm. Of course, the swingarm was used up front replacing the conventional telescopic forks. It seams to qualify for your trivia criteria. Does that count?

-- sean (, December 25, 2002.

Hey, great catch. I didn't qualify the answer with "rear" swingarm, so yes indeed, you are correct. Wow, I would have never thought of that one.

I was waiting for someone to mention the Muzzy Raptor, although it can hardly be called a production bike.

-- Andy Ruhl (, December 25, 2002.

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