Premiere 6.0 and canon xl1s : LUSENET : Editing DV Films : One Thread

I have a canon xl1s and I also have premiere 6.0. Premiere will not use device control for the canon , but it will us it for a lesser digigital camera, the "sharp". What's up?

-- Mal (, December 27, 2002


I use XP/Premiere 6/Pinnacle DV500 with a XL1 without a problem. Do you see "DV in" displayed in the viewfinder? If it there but flashing, there is a conection problem. Also I've seen PCs where ordinary firewire cards are picky about the DV cameras they will talk to, some have better reputations than others in this respect (eg the pyro card).

-- Boyd Skinner (, January 10, 2003.

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