Yosemite the last week of April?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread |
My friend and I have a bi-annual walkabout planned. This year because I'm in graduate school and am working full time, my week off in between semesters falls between April 26th and May 3rd. We were trying to save money by going somewhere domestic. Since she's based in SF, we thought Yosemite might be a good idea, therefore I want to conquer Half Dome. Reading all of the posts makes the downed cable issue seem feasible but I'm worried about the weather. It could be rainy and very cold and windy. Not exactly the ideal conditions for the slick rocky parts. Any input? If you advise not to do Yosemite, is there another monumental spot which would have better weather that time of year?Thank you in advance.
-- Jenna (jewelz22@hotmail.com), January 07, 2003
Hey! I've climbed the face of half dome several times. I've also gone up the cable a zillion too. Even when its "down" its still doable. My sister and I did it in early April and had a blast. Just bring rain/snow gear in a back pack, and if you see a cloud formation forming around 2-3pm ---- BAIL. There's lots of apline weather during March - May... so just use your head. Also, check out http://www.halfdomecam.com/ for a live view. Do it!!! And GOOD LUCK!!!
-- scott (lunararrow@yahoo.com), February 26, 2003.