Ranma Season 4 Episodes 19-24 in Japanesegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread |
Hi everybody. Do any of you know where I can find episodes 19-24 of Ranma season 4? I have tried on Kazaa and am still trying on Direct Connect but all that anyone seems to have are English episodes, which are comparitively smaller in size than the Japanese ones. IRC is too hard to use, in my opinion, and all the other P2P filesharing programs are crap (i.e. WinMX, iMesh, etc.) because they don't produce many results. I would really really appreciate it if someone could tell me the address of a reliable site where I can download these episodes or if someone could contact me via e-mail and send them to me directly by AIM or something. I can give you my s/n if the latter is the case. Once again, thank you for your replies and I hope you can help me!
-- Anonymous, January 09, 2003
Get on KaZaA and look for me (deathtap@kazaa.com). I have entire seasons 4. Hope that helps.Plus I am always on.
Also have Street Fighter episodes.
-- Anonymous, January 12, 2003